The Trinity College Center for Collaborative Teaching and Research announces the
inauguration of the Trinity Seminar. We invite nominations, including
self—nominations, of recent Ph.D.’s (or relevant terminal degree) in
any discipline to deliver a formal research paper or appropriate performance
presentation and spend two days in discussions with colleagues and students on
campus in Hartford, CT during the 1998—1999 academic year. We seek nominees
who are doing especially exciting, innovative work, who are interested in
engaging an interdisciplinary audience, and who will convey to us an informed
access to recent issues and controversies in their respective disciplines. Travel
expenses and an honorarium will be provided. Please submit the nominee’s
vita, brief description of current research, and a one-page abstract of proposed
paper or presentation to Drew A. Hyland, Director, Trinity Center for
Collaborative Teaching and Research, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 or
e-mail to: Drew.Hyland@trincoll.edu. Hartford, CT: Monthly,
celebration of the tenth anniversary of coeducation at Wheaton, the college will
host a conference to examine the critical gender issues involved in educating
women and men together, "Coeducation for the 21st Century: A Working
Conference on Educating Women and Men for the Future." Explore how liberal
arts colleges can further gender equity in learning and in life; plan for a
future in which women and men want to share the world with each other and will
know how. Keynote speakers: Evelyn Fox Keller, MIT; Michael Kimmel, State
University of New York at Stony Brook; Ronald Taylor, Temple University. To
register or learn more, visit www.wheatoncollege.edu/coedconference, or write to
Kersti Yllo, Coed Conference, Wheaton College, Norton, MA 02766, or at
kyllo@wheatoncollege.edu. Norton, MA: October 30—31, 1998
Reprising the successful international exchange featured by the landmark
"Japan and African Americans: A Comparative Perspective," the Sonja
Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center welcomes scholars from Germany this year in a
globally influenced exploration of African American Studies: "Germany and
African Americans: A Comparative Perspective." Presentations include:
"Rethinking Race after National Socialism: German Reconstruction & the
‘Problem’ of African American Occupation Children"; "The
NAACP’s Perspective on Nazism"; and "African American GI’s in
Post-War Germany." This year’s conference is co-sponsored by the
Institute of African American Research and the German Historical Institute. For
further information, please contact Dr. Gerald Horne, Sonja Haynes Stone Black
Cultural Center, CB#5250, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC 27599-5250; (919) 962-9001; shsbcc@email.unc.edu. Chapel Hill,
NC: November 2, 1998
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS Papers are invited
for the fourth annual Tennessee Williams Scholars’ Conference. The
Scholars’ Conference is held in conjunction with the Tennessee Williams
Festival, which features plays, writing workshops, panels, and celebrity
appearances. Topics for this year’s conference are: Williams and race, gay
issues in Williams’ drama, gender and gaze, Williams’ evolving texts,
his non-dramatic works, Williams’ politics, fresh perspecitves on the late
and early work, and Williams’ reputation abroad. Panels will form apropos of
these topics, and we will encourage open dialogue and audience participation.
Graduate students are also encouraged to submit. Accepted papers may be
considered for publication in the Tennessee Williams Annual Review. Only
abstracts of full length papers will be read at the conference. Submission
Deadline: November 1, 1998. For further information, please contact Dr. Robert
Bray at Box 70, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 37132; phone: (615) 898-2579 or (615)
898-5959; fax (615) 898-5098; email: rbray@frank.mtsu.edu. New Orleans,
LA: March 25—26, 1999
annual meeting of The English Institute seeks to chart the past and present of
cosmopolitanism, its alternatives, and their possible futures on the threshold of
the twenty-first century. Taking a symbolic excursion through those regions where
various texts, genres, and literatures map and remap worlds we inhabit, the
conference brings into juxtaposition a diversity of historical, cultural,
philosophical, and aesthetic terrains: from Chaucer’s England and medieval
Italy to emergent empires and early modern trade; from urban Europe and its
ecology to the Holocaust; from Confucian China and Buddhist Tibet to postcolonial
Africa and India; and from the international stage in New York to contemporary
American theory and poetry. Participants at the conference include: K. Anthony
Appiah, Una Chaudhuri, Vinay Dharwadker, Robert R. Edwards, Kim F. Hall, David
Harvey, Sharon Marcus, Bharati Mukherjee, Karen Newman, Bruce Robbins, Robert
Thurman, Tu Wei-Ming. For more information, please contact: Monica Miller, The
English Institute, Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Barker Center, 12
Quincy Street, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. 617- 496-1006. Email:
englinst@fas.harvard.edu. Web: www.fas.harvard.edu/ ~englinst
Cambridge, MA: September 25—27, 1998
Humanities Center at Yale University announces a Symposium: "The Broken
Middle: Cultural Studies and the Liberal Imagination." Participants: Tyrus
Miller, Michael Awkward, Nancy Armstrong, Seyla Benhabib, Patrick Brantlinger,
David Bromwich, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, John Frow, Jackson Lears, Annabel
Patterson, Marjorie Perloff, Alan Trachtenberg. Panels: Prospects of Liberal
Culture; Populism, the Popular and the Politics of Culture; Liberalism and
Literariness; Debating Culturalism. This conference is free and open to the
public. Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06520. (203)
432-0670. manana.sikic@yale.edu. New Haven, CT: September 25—26,
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing at the University of Minnesota
announces a call for papers for the Second Biennial International Feminism(s) and
Rhetoric(s) Conference, "Challenging Rhetorics: Cross-Disciplinary Sites of
Feminist Discourse," October 7—9, 1999, in Minneapolis. This conference
will emphasize the cross-disciplinarity of feminist rhetorics throughout the
academy. We invite proposals that share theories about and examples of new
discourse practices emerging as a result of feminist scholarship. Send three
copies of a 250-word abstract, including name, address, phone, fax, e-mail, and
institutional affiliation to Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, Center for
Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing, University of Minnesota, 227 Lind Hall, 207
Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. For further information, see our Web
site CISW.cla.umn.edu or contact Hildy Miller at
mille299@tc.umn.edu. Minneapolis, MN: October 7-9, 1999
University of Maryland announces an interdisciplinary conference, State of the
Arts: Production, Reception, and Teaching in the Digital World, to be held
October 8-11, 1998 at the University of Maryland, College Park, and at state-wide
satellite sites. The conference will highlight innovative uses of technology in
the fields of dance, history, literature, music, theatre and the visual arts for
an audience of K-16 educators, artists, museum curators, archivists and members
of the general public. Plenary sessions on Performing, Learning and Teaching, and
K-16 will be followed by related demonstrations. Hands-on training workshops will
be conducted on the first and last day of the conference. For further details,
contact Dr. Susan Jenson, telephone: 301-405-6830; fax: 301-405-0956; email:
crbs@umail.umd.edu. Web: www.inform.umd.edu/CRBS/ ArtsConf/conf.html.
College Park, MD: October 8—11, 1998
New York University’s School of Education announces "Assessing New
Technologies in Arts and Humanities." For teachers of the arts, education
administrators, technology innovators and developers, artists, creative arts
therapists, humanists, museum administrators and curators, critics and foundation
representatives with an interest in technology and education to assess the use of
new technologies in making arts, performing and performance arts, creative arts
therapies, and arts and humanities education. Join us to assess the use of new
technologies in artistic expression, creative arts therapies, educational
applications, and performing arts. Explore exhibits of educational software and
programs, discover exciting new curricula, and visit special media events and
museums in New York City. Call for model projects and papers. For more
information, contact the Office of Special Programs at NYU’s School of
Education, 212-998-5090 or visit the conference web site:
www.nyu/education/cahe/caheconf.html New York, NY: October
9—11, 1998
"Technology and Artistic Practice" will be the focus of a conference at
the Hagley Museum and Library on Friday, October 30, 1998. Speakers will consider
the relationship between art and technology in a number of settings, including
the Internet, sculpture, painting, and exhibitions. The keynote address will be
delivered by Steven Johnson, creator of the on-line FEED Magazine
(www.feedmag.com) and author of the acclaimed book Interface Culture: How New
Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. Other speakers
include Linda Dalrymple Henderson, author of Duchamp in Context: Science and
Technology in the Large Glass and Related Works and Bettyann Holtzman Kevles,
who just published Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth
Century. The conference is free and open to the public, but advance
registration is required. Contact the Center for the History of Business,
Technology, and Society, Hagley Museum and Library, PO Box 3630, Wilmington, DE
19807, 302-658-2400, ext. 243 or email crl@udel.edu.
Wilmington, DE:
October 30, 1998