Lingua Franca's Hirings and Tenurings



Candidate Tenured By
Adolph, Karen New York U
Akimoto, Sharon Carleton C
Alexander, Joel W Oregon U
Ashley, Pamela Appalachian S
Bachman, Betty Siena C
Bailey, Scott Texas Lutheran
Balakrishnan, Jerald Purdue U
Barber, Teresa Dickinson C
Barnard, Suzanne Duquesne U
Bartsch, Karen Wyoming, U of
Bassok, Miriam Washington, U of
Bazzini, Doris Appalachian S
Behrmann, Marlene Carnegie Mellon
Brodbeck, Carolyn Chapman U
Brouillard, Pamela TexasA&M,CrpsC
Buchanan, Christy Wake Forest U
Castonguay, Louis Penn S U
Chase, Christopher ClaremntMcKenna
Claflin, Carol NW Missouri S
Cole, Elizabeth Northeastern U
Cole, Ellen Alaska Pacific U
Colvin, Randall Northeastern U
Conner, David Truman S U
Copeland, Tom Hardin-Simmons
Correa Kaiser, Judith St Ambrose U
Covey, Ellen Washington, U of
Crawford, Douglas York U
DeMarco, Paul Louisville, U of
DePaola, Steven Georgia Swstrn
Deshon, Richard Michigan S U
Ditto, Peter Cal,Uof,Irvine
Drucker, Philip St John's U
Elliot, Andrew Rochester, U of
Estes, David Wyoming, U of
Farmer, Richard Idaho S U
Farmer-Dougan, Valeri Illinois S U
Fava, Joseph RhodeIsland,Uof
Feist, Gregory William & Mary
Francis, Gregory Purdue U
Freedman-Doan, Carol E Michigan U
Fruzetti, Alan Nevada, Reno
Gallahan, Linda Pacific, U of the
Giaschi, Deborah Br Columbia
Gibson, Bryan Cntrl Michigan
Gillem, Angela Beaver C
Gleaves, David Texas A&M U
Glisky, Betty Arizona, Tucson
Gratton, Gabriele Missouri, Clmb
Greening, Lani Alabama, U of
Griffin, Jennifer Thiel C
Hantula, Donald Temple U
Harter, Stephanie Texas Tech U
Hatcher, Larry Saginaw Valley S
Heath, Wendy Rider U
Hicinbothom, Gloria La Sierra U
Holmes, Clarissa Virginia Cmnwlth
Jackson, Pamela Radford U
Jarvis, Lorna Hope C
Koger, Susan Willamette U
Kohatsu, Eric Cal S, LosAngls
Lamb, Sharon St Michael's C
Lambert, Alan Washington U
Langholtz, Harvey William & Mary
Leffel, Michael Pt Loma Nazrn
LeGrow, Christopher Marshall U
Lehn, Daniel Coe C
Lemley, Catherine Elizabethtown C
Lindahl, Kristin Miami, U of
Littlefield, Victoria Augsburg C
Mallery, Paul La Sierra U
Manza, Louis LebanonValley
Marmolejo, Gloria Winona S U
Marsh, Richard Georgia, U of
Marsolek, Chad Minnsota,TwnC
Mate-Kole, Charles Cntrl Connecticut
McCarthy, Maureen Austin Peay S
McCarty, Wendy Illinois C
McIntosh, Daniel Denver, U of
McNair, Lily Georgia, U of
Meier, Steven Idaho, U of
Mellor, Steven Connecticut, U of
Mendolia, Marilyn Mississippi, U of
Mickley, Andrew Baldwin-Wallace
Moore, Marta Lock Haven U
Moore, Sarah Puget Sound
Mullins, Larry Oklahoma S U
Murray, John Georgia Southern
Naigles, Letitia Connecticut, U of
Nelson, Elizabeth Cal S, Stnslaus
Neustadter, Roger NW Missouri S
Nielsen, Michael Georgia Southern
Ones, Deniz Minnsota,TwnC
Otto, Timothy Rutgers, NBruns
Packer, Martin Duquesne U
Plaut, David Carnegie Mellon
Ptacek, John Thomas Bucknell U
Pugh, Marilyn Texas Weslyn
Raney, Gary Illinois, Chicago
Redding, Colleen RhodeIsland,Uof
Regan, Pamela Cal S, LosAngls
Reilly, Steven Illinois, Chicago
Reiter-Palmon, Roni Nebraska, Oma
Rellinger, Elizabeth Illinois C
Roark, Bret Oklahoma Baptst
Robitschek, Christine Texas Tech U
Rueckl, Jay Connecticut, U of
Ruggiero, Laurie RhodeIsland,Uof
Ryan, Carey Pittsburgh, U of
Salem, Deborah Michigan S U
Santee, Robert Chaminade U
Schaller, Mark Br Columbia
Schmidt, Richard Holy Cross, C of
Schober, Michael New School U
Shipley, Thomas F. Temple U
Shoham, Varda Arizona, Tucson
Simone, Patricia Santa Clara U
Soraci, Salvatore Tufts U
Spencer, Robert Colorado, Bldr
Steinke, Pam Cntrl U Iowa
Taylor, Holly Tufts U
Thomas, Doug Hardin-Simmons
Tierney, Ann Jane Colgate U
Uttal, David Northwestern U
Valsiner, Jaan Clark U
Walsh, Russell Duquesne U
Waltz, Jennifer Montana, U of
Waring, Douglas Appalachian S
Waung, Marie Michigan, Drbrn
Wholeben, Belinda Rockford C
Wickesberg, Robert Illinois, Urbana
Wierson, Michelle Pomona C
Wiertelak, Eric Macalester C
Wolfson, Amy Holy Cross, C of
Worsham, Nancy Gonzaga U
Wruble, Marc Wiscnsn, Platv
Yee, Penny Hamilton C
Yee-Bradbury, Cindy Cal,Uof,LosAngeles


Candidate Tenured By Prev Affil
Ahn, Woo-Kyoung Vanderbilt U Yale U
Barone, David Illinois S U Nova SE U
Berenthal, Bennett Chicago, U of Denver, U of
Bloom, Paul Yale U Arizona, U of
Boles, David Alabama, U of Oregon, U of
Cacioppo, John Chicago, U of Ohio S U
Cannon, Tyrone Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Penn, U of
Chun, Marvin Vanderbilt U Yale U
Cross, William CUNY, GrdCntr Mass, Amherst
Fiske, Susan (2000) Princeton U Mass, Amherst
Gollwitzer, Peter New York U Konstanz, U of-GER
Johnson, Blair Connecticut, U of Syracuse U
Knill, David Rochester, U of Penn, U of
Mangun, George Duke U Cal,Uof,Davis
Molfese, Dennis Louisville, U of S Illinois U
Morey, Leslie Texas A&M U Vanderbilt U
Patrick, Christopher Minnsota,TwnC Br Columbia-CAN
Stetsenko, Anna CUNY, GrdCntr Bern, U of-SWT
Sullivan, Cris Michigan S U Michigan S U
Vrana, Scott Virginia Cmnwlth Purdue U
Wynn, Karen Yale U Arizona, U of

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