Lingua Franca's Hirings and Tenurings



Trained By Candidate Hired By
Asbury Theol Sem Smith, Raymond Oral Roberts U
Baptist Theol Sem Day, Tyanna Mount Olive C
Boston C Conde-Frazier, Elizabeth ClaremontSchlTheol
Boston C Veling, Terry Houston, U of
Boston U Hochman, Leah Boston U
Boston U Smit, Laura Calvin C
Brown U Fryer, David Illinois Weslyn
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Barber, Raymond Portland, U of
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Williams, Bryan Warner Pacific C
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Berkwitz, Stephen SW Missouri S
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Brodd, Jeffrey Cal S, Scrmnto
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Burris, John P. Bucknell U
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Ingersoll, Julie SW Missouri S
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Leon, Luis Arizona S U
Cal,Uof,StBarbara McMahon, David Franklin&Marshall
Catholic U Amer Skemp, Vincent St Catherine, C of
Chicago, U of Altieri, Pia Gettysburg C
Chicago, U of Beckman, Patricia St Olaf C
Chicago, U of Condon, Matthew IndianaPurdu,Ind
Chicago, U of Doak, Mary Notre Dame, U of
Chicago, U of Dohrmann, Natalie N Carolina S U
Chicago, U of Hanges, James Miami U, Oxford
Chicago, U of Jeffreys, Derek Cal S, Chico
Chicago, U of Kent, Eliza Denison U
Chicago, U of Kosky, Jeffrey Williams C
Chicago, U of Nimmo, Victoria Southwestern U
Chicago, U of Owens, Pamela Methodist Theol Schl
Chicago, U of Reames, Kent Concordia, Mrhd
Chicago, U of Ruge-Jones, Philip Texas Lutheran
Chicago, U of Wall, John Loyola, Chicago
Claremont Grad Johnson, Steven Lycoming C
Columbia U Bernstein, Andrew Lewis & Clark C
Columbia U Wedemeyer, Christian S Florida, U of
Columbia U Yavari, Neguin Columbia U
Dallas, U of Terranova, Michael Dallas, U of
Denver, U of Miller, Jeff Milligan C
Duke U Baker, Cynthia Santa Clara U
Duke U Safi, Omid Colgate U
Duke U Zervos, George N Carolina, Wlm
Duquesne U Johns, David Wilmington C
Emory U Keefer, Kyle Eckerd C
Emory U Lodahl, Michael Pt Loma Nazrn
Emory U Melcher, Sarah Xavier U
Emory U Penner, Todd Austin C
Fuller Theol Sem Mubashshir, Debra Beloit C
Fuller Theol Sem Walborn, Ronald Nyack C
Grad Theol Union MacKey, Jeffrey Nyack C
Harvard U Burr, Elizabeth St Thomas, U of
Harvard U Hibbets, Maria Cal S, LngBch
Harvard U Knauth, Robin Lycoming C
Harvard U Lawee, Eric York U
Harvard U Norman, Corrie Converse C
Iowa, U of Flannery-Dailey, F Hendrix C
Johns Hopkins U Benedetti, L Harvard U
Lutheran Sch Theol Leeb, Carolyn Valparaiso U
Marquette U Dreyer, Elizabeth Fairfield U
Marquette U Howsare, Rodney Allentown C
Marquette U Long, Frederick Bethel C
Marquette U Maniscalco, Edward F. Loras C
Marquette U Moore, Rebecca San Diego S
Mass, U of Clormont-Ferrand, M St Thomas, U of
Michigan, U of Ohnuma, Reiko Dartmouth C
N Carolina, ChpHl Fagan, Judith Kenyon C
Northwestern U Abeysekara, Ananda Virginia Tech
Notre Dame, U of Camp, Lee David Lipscomb
Notre Dame, U of Dougherty, Joseph LaSalle U
Notre Dame, U of Harlow, Daniel Calvin C
Notre Dame, U of Pfeil, Margaret St Joseph's U
Notre Dame, U of VanderWilt, Jeffrey Loyola, Mrymnt
Oral Roberts U Grimes, Daniel Oral Roberts U
Penn, U of Cahill, Timothy Loyola, NewOrl
Penn, U of Loriliai, Biernacki Colorado, Bldr
Penn, U of Prasad, Leela Duke U
Pontifical C Hostetter, Larry Brescia U
Princeton U Bender, Courtney Columbia U
Princeton U Denzey, Nicola Skidmore C
Princeton U Grace, Frances Redlands, U of
Princeton U Patterson, James Union U
Princeton U Schneider, Carolyn Texas Lutheran
Providence C Wray, Tina SalveRegina
S California, U of Gottschall, Marilyn Whittier C
S California, U of Rubio, Julie Washington U
St Louis U Coble, Ann Westminster C (PA)
St Thomas, U of Michalak, Joseph St Thomas, U of
Stanford U Como, Michael William & Mary
Stanford U Lewis, Thomas Iowa, U of
Syracuse U Burgdoff, Craig Le Moyne C
Syracuse U Dempsey, Corinne Wiscnsn, StevPt
Syracuse U Gutierrez, Cathy Sweet Briar C
Temple U De La Torre, Miguel Hope C
Temple U Simmons, Gwendolyn Florida, Gnsvl
Union Theol Sem Solberg, Mary Gustavus Adolph
Union Theol Sem Welson-Pallmeyer, Jack St Thomas, U of
Vanderbilt U Marshall, Ellen Elizabethtown C
Virginia, U of Brown, Sid South, U of the
Virginia, U of Skora, Kerry Hiram C
Westminster Theol Sem Berding, Kenneth Nyack C
Westminster Theol Sem Chan, Frank Nyack C
Westminster Theol Sem Kim, Dongsu Nyack C
Yale U Anderson, Alva Wofford C
Yale U Plese, Zlatko N Carolina, ChpH
Yale U Royalty, Robert Wabash C
Yale U Saleh, Walid Middlebury C
BLG-Catholic U Friedrichsen, Timothy Catholic U Amer
CAN-McGill U Burke, Jeffrey Hollins C
CAN-Montréal Mittal, Sushil Millikin U
CAN-Ottawa Raab, Kelley St Lawrence U
CAN-Toronto Lee, Becky York U
CAN-Toronto MacMillan, Elaine SalveRegina
CAN-Waterloo Shantz, Douglas Calgary
FRN-Sèvres Mueller, Joseph Marquette U
GER-Regensburg Ratke, David Lenoir-Rhyne C
ITL-Pontifical Orientl Murzaku, Ines Seton Hall U
ITL-Rome, U of Piovanelli, Pierluigi Ottawa, U of
SPN-Pontificia,Salamanca Pineda, Ana Maria Santa Clara U
UK-Cambridge Anderson, David Concordia C
UK-Cambridge O'Connell, Robert Hastings C
UK-Oxford U Sharkey, Gregory Santa Clara U

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