JobTracks: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Arizona S U Coe, Mary Kathryn Missouri, Clmb
Arizona S U San Antonio, P Maryland, BaltCnty
Arizona, U of Coyle, Philip W Carolina U
Brown U Kryder-Reid, Elizabeth Ind Purdu,Ind
Cal,Uof Palombit, Ryne Rutgers, NBruns
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Cole, Jennifer Harvard U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Russell, Nerissa Cornell U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Schoenemann, Thomas Penn, U of
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Taylor, Lucien Colorado, Bldr
Cal,Uof,Davis Cahalen, Deborah SUNY, Bngmtn
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Brady, James Cal S, LosAngls
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Colloredo-Mansfeld, R Iowa, U of
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Kelly, Kenneth S Carolina, Columb
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Marlowe, Frank Harvard U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Pfeiffer, James Case Western Res
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Smith, Stuart Cal,Uof,StBarbara
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Vitzthum, Virginia SUNY, Bngmtn
Cal,Uof,Riverside Li, Rebecca New Jersey, C of
Cal,Uof,San Diego Galbraith, Marysia Alabama, U of
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Fessler, Daniel Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Connolly, Deborah Missouri, KansC
Cal,Uof,SnFrncsco Humphers-Ginther, S N Dakota S U
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Kennett, Douglas Cal S, LngBch
Case Western Res Bush, David Heidelberg C
Chicago, U of Auslander, Mark Wesleyan C
Chicago, U of Berkley, Anthony Michigan, U of
Chicago, U of Blom, Deborah Vermont, U of
Chicago, U of Bunzl, Matti Illinois, Urbana
Chicago, U of Carter, Donald Johns Hopkins
Chicago, U of De Genova, Nicholas Stanford U
Chicago, U of Downey, Gregory Columbia U
Chicago, U of Ghosh, Gautam Grinnell C
Chicago, U of Graeber, David Yale U
Chicago, U of Howard, Catherine Gettysburg C
Chicago, U of Janusek, John Wayne Vanderbilt U
Chicago, U of Karistrom, Mikael Chicago, U of
Chicago, U of Looser, Thomas McGill U-CAN
Chicago, U of Morford, Janet Rutgers, Camden
Chicago, U of Rohe, Mark Sweet Briar C
Chicago, U of Rothenberg, Daniel Cal,Uof,Irvine
Chicago, U of San Juan, Eric St Louis U
Chicago, U of Scoggin, Mary Humboldt S U
Chicago, U of Seizer, Susan Scripps C
Chicago, U of Silerstein, Paul Barnard C
Chicago, U of Stasch, Rupert Reed C
Chicago, U of Sutton, David NewHampshire,Uof
Chicago, U of Wilder, Gary Pomona C
Colorado, U of Conyers, Lawrence Denver, U of
Colorado, U of Frey, Rodney Idaho, U of
Cornell U Roth, Joshua Mt Holyoke C
Cornell U Saraydar, Stephen SUNY, Oswego
CUNY Park, Kyeyoung Princeton U
CUNY Purpura, Allyson Haverford C
Duke U Yurchak, Alexei Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Emory U Hinton, Alexander Rutgers, Newark
Florida, U of Payne, Claudine Armstrong S
Harvard U Bribiescas, Richard Yale U
Howard U Prince, Sabiyha American U
Illinois, U of Wilson, Suzanne Gustavus Adolph
Indiana U Gillett-Netting, R Georgia S U
Johns Hopkins Bollinger, Pamela Bowdoin C
Johns Hopkins Hautzinger, Sarah Colorado C
Kent S U Sherwood, Richard Wiscnsn, Madsn
Mass, Amherst Lyon-Callo, Vincent W Michigan U
Mass, U of Baker, Brenda Arizona S U
Mass, U of Sassman, Kenneth Florida, Gnsvl
Michigan, U of Bilaniuk, Laada Washington, U of
Michigan, U of Hayashida, Frances Penn S U
Minnesota, U of Austin, Joe Bowling Green S
Minnesota, U of Sikkink, Lynn San Jose S U
Missouri, U of Sutter, Richard IndianaPurdu,FW
N/A Knott, Cheryl Harvard U
New Mexico, U of Franciscus, Robert Iowa, U of
New Mexico, U of Holliday, Trenton Tulane U
New School U Hepner, Randal Michigan S U
New School U Weyland, Karin Amherst C
New York U Larkin, Brian Barnard C
New York U McLagan, Margaret New York U
Notre Dame, U of Liu, Min Elizabethtown C
Oregon, U of Kreps, Christina Denver, U of
Penn, U of Nagy, Sharon DePaul U
Penn, U of Nyerges, Endre Centre C
Purdue U Griffin, Mark San Francisco S
Purdue U Schmidt, Christopher Indianapolis, U of
Rochester, U of Senghas, Richard Sonoma S U
Stanford U Ajani, Asale Kenyon C
Stanford U Ferguson, Jack Washington, U of
Stanford U Mendoza-Denton, N Arizona, Tucson
SUNY, Albany Sullivan-Catlin, Heather Kean C
SUNY, Binghmtn Coursey, Cheryl Copenhagen-DNMK
SUNY, Binghmtn O’Donovan, Maria SUNY, Cortland
SUNY, Stny Brk Reed, Kay Arizona S U
Tennessee, U of Morey, Darcy Kansas, U of
Texas A&M U Kuehn, David Luther C
Texas, Austin Reese-Taylor, Kathryn Wiscnsn, LaCro
Virginia, U of Warner, Mark Idaho, U of
Washington U Sauther, Michelle Colorado, Bldr
Washington U White, Carmen Cntrl Michigan U
Washington, U of Anemone, Robert W Michigan U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Giordani, Lourdes Albright C
Yale U Perry, Donna W Oregon U
Yale U Shukla, Sandhya Columbia U
Yale U Urcid, Javier Brandeis U
ASTRL-Astrln Ntl Herdt, Gilbert San Francisco S
CAN-McMaster U Evans, Michael Alberta, U of-CAN
CAN-Toronto Brown, Jeffrey Bowling Green S
CAN-Toronto Sidnell, Jack Northwestern U
CAN-York U Walsh, Andrea Victoria, U of-CAN
UK-London, U of Bates, Brian Longwood C
UK-Manchester Crehan, Kate CUNY, StatIsl

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