JobTracks: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Akron, U of O’Donnell, Jon Clarion U of PA
Arkansas, U of Hendrix, Michael Cntrl Arkansas
Auburn U Bryan, Robert Covenant C
Cal,Uof Vickers, Brett Rutgers, NBruns
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Bregler, Christoph Stanford U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Byers, John Boston U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Funkhouser, Thomas Princeton U
Cal,Uof,Davis Benson, Gregory SanFrancisco,Uof
Cal,Uof,Davis Rammamurthy, Byrav Nebraska, Lincln
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Okushi, Fumiaki Cal S, Bakersfld
Carnegie Mellon Guattery, Stephen Bucknell U
Carnegie Mellon Linville, Charles American U
Carnegie Mellon Necula, George Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Case Western Res Kaminski, Gerald St Thomas, U of
Chicago, U of Kimmel, Peter NEastern Illinois
Colorado, Blder Lassila, Kathy S Colorado, U of
Colorado, Bldr Doherty, Michael Pacific, U of the
Colorado, Bldr Juola, Patrick Duquesne U
Colorado, Bldr Shaffer, Kevin Fort Hays S U
Colorado, Dnvr Oliveira, Suely Iowa, U of
Colorado, U of Bonnlander, Brian W Oregon U
Cornell U Caldwell, James Wyoming, U of
CUNY, GradCntr Schlamitz, Marcia Jersey City S C
Dayton, U of Iftekharuddin, Khan N Dakota S U
Delaware, U of Conrad, Philip Temple U
Delaware, U of Fenwick, James Appalachian S
Florida S U Juliano, Beno California S, Chico
Florida S U Renner, Renee California S, Chico
Fort Hays S U Rohlf, Ron Fort Hays S U
G Washington U Miller, William Rockhurst C
G Washington U Subramanyan, S R Missouri, Rolla
George Mason U Maloof, Marcus Georgetown U
Georgia Tech Cox, Michael Wright S U
Georgia Tech Griffith, Todd Bucknell U
Georgia Tech Kraemer, Eileen Georgia, U of
Georgia Tech Mynatt, Elizabeth Georgia Tech
Hartford, U of Martin, Valerie Immaculata C
Idaho, U of Meysenburg, Mark Doane C
Illinois Tech Khasawneh, Rami Roosevelt U
Illinois, U of Groppe, John St Joseph’s C
Iowa S U Fyfe, Stephen Cntrl U Iowa
Iowa S U Rogers, Michael Millikin U
Iowa, U of McGinn, Mark St Ambrose U
Iowa, U of Roosta, Seyed SUNY, Oswego
Johns Hopkins Buhler, Paul Allen Charleston, C of
Kansas, U of Youseffi, John Notre Dame, C of
Kent S U Glasgow, James F Malone C
Lehigh U Macpherson, Peter Redlands, U of
Maryland, CollPk Rais, Cynthia Georgetown U
Mass, Amherst Klassner, Frank Villanova U
Michigan S U Doom, Travis Wright S U
Michigan, U of Chakarabarty, Krishnendu Duke U
Michigan, U of Kremer, David Kansas Wesleyan U
Michigan, U of Miao, Jie Arkansas S U
MIT Aslam, Javed Dartmouth C
MIT Nevill-Manning, C Rutgers, NBruns
N Carolina, ChpHl Rheingans, Penny Maryland, BaltCnty
N Carolina, ChpHl Shelton, Kennan Rhodes C
N Carolina, Chrltte Brinton, Stephen Union U
N Carolina, Chrltte Carter, Cynthia Campbellsville U
N Carolina S U Denelsbeck, Kevin W Georgia, S U of
N Carolina S U Gutierrez-Osuna, R Wright S U
N Texas, U of Huff, Richard S Colorado, U of
N/A Engler, Dawson Stanford U
N/A Fox, Armando Stanford U
Nebraska, Lncln Kerr, Neil Hastings C
New Mexico S U Kaugers, Karlis W Michigan U
Northeastern U Nostrand, Barbara Simpson C
Nova SE U Matthews, Alan Lee U
NW Missouri Hopkins, Sherry Midland Lutheran
Oakland U Dong, Ada Lawrence Tech U
Ohio S U Harms, Douglas DePauw U
Penn S U Braught, Grant Dickinson C
Penn S U Jiang, Miqohua Wake Forest U
Penn, U of Japaridze, Giorgi Villanova U
Penn, U of McDowell, Raymond Kalamazoo C
Pittsburgh, U of Yuan, Xin Florida S U
Princeton U Gunopulos, D Cal,Uof,Riverside
Purdue U Bonomo, John Westminster C
Purdue U Joshi, Anupam Maryland, BaltCnty
Purdue U Pliego, German St Thomas, U of
Purdue U Ramadrishnana, Naren Virginia Tech
Rutgers U Liew, Chun Wai Lafayette C
S California, U of Salloum, Salam Wiscnsn, Oshk
S Florida, U of Chung, Same Texas, Permian
S Florida, U of Polack, Jennifer Mary Washngtn C
S Illinois U Patnayakuni, Ravi Temple U
S Louisiana, U of Paine, Katherine S Arkansas U
St Thomas Darling, William St Thomas, U of
Stevens Tech Petingi, Louis CUNY, StatIsl
SUNY, Bnghmtn Hufford, Kevin Ithaca C
Syracuse U Dann, Wanda Ithaca C
Syracuse U Wenderholm, Elaine SUNY, Oswego
Tennessee, U of Howard, Stefan Mars Hill C
Texas A&M U Alewine, Kenneth E Oregon S C
Texas A&M U Miranda, Antonio Bucknell U
Texas A&M U Sherif, Karma Temple U
Texas, Austin Califf, Mary Illinois S U
Texas, Austin Cobb, Jorge Texas, Dallas
Texas, Austin Kornerup, Jacob SMethodist U
Texas, Austin Shenoy, Prashant Mass, U of
Texas, U of Zelle, John Wartburg C
Utah, U of Beazley, David Chicago, U of
Vanderbilt U Vandergriff, Jim Austin Peay S
Vanderbilt U Wilson, Andrew T Austin Peay S
W Virginia U Anderson, Daniel Bluefield C
Walden U McGee, James Marymount C
Wayne S U Chung, Chan-Jin Lawrence Tech U
William & Mary Havill, Jessen T Denison U
William & Mary Havill, Jessen T William & Mary
William & Mary Mayo, Jean Michigan Tech
William & Mary Necaise, Rance D S Mississippi, U of
William & Mary Sandor, Viviana Oakland U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Haselwander, Penny Carroll C
Wiscnsn, Madsn Lee, Young Manchester C
Wiscnsn, Milw Anderson, Anita Incarnate Word
Wyoming, U of Hastings, John S Dakota S U
Yale U King, Adam Fairfield U
BLG-Sofia U Dicheva, Dariana Winston-Salem
CAN-McGill U Boukerche, Azzedine N Texas, U of
CAN-Montréal Tarau, Paulcwsi N Texas, U of
CAN-St Thomas Richenbach, Brent Chadron S C
CAN-Toronto Faloutsos, Michalis Cal,Uof,Riverside
CAN-Victoria, U of Tilley, Scott Cal,Uof,Riverside
CAN-W Ontario Blustein, Jamie Bowling Green S
FRN-Aix-Marseilles Ribiere, Vincent American U
NETH-Leiden VanEngelen, Robert Florida S U

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