Hirings & Tenurings: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Alabama, U of Gingerich, Ronald Dickinson S
Alabama, U of Porciello, Marilyn S Mississippi, U of
American U Hanson, Pat Wiscnsn, RiverF
Arizona S U Van De Water, Manon Wiscnsn, Madsn
Arizona, U of Adams, Charlotte Iowa, U of
Arizona, U of Chrestopoulos, A N Texas, U of
Arizona, U of Staniunas, John Kansas, U of
Ball S U Steward, Gail St Mary of Woods
Boston U Vargas, Jocelyn CUNY, Lehman
Bowling Green S U Lambert, Jasmin William & Mary
Brandeis U Brady, Anne SUNY, Bngmtn
Brown U Lewis, Frederick Boston U
Cal S, SanDiego Sarrafan, Babak San Jose S U
Cal,Uof,Irvine Zmolek, Josephine Luther C
Cal,Uof,Irvine Zmolek, Paul Luther C
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Schiffer, Sheldon Georgia S U
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Parker, Shanga Washington, U of
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Mimura, Glen Cal,Uof,Irvine
Carnegie Mellon Kalinoski, Richard Wiscnsn, Oshk
Catholic U Amer Bush, Ken E Oregon S C
Chicago, U of Robertson, Pamela Notre Dame, U of
Chicago, U of Young, Paul Georgia Tech
Cincinnati Conserv Benjamin, Matthew Wright S U
Colorado, Bldr Turner, Jeff Maryville C
Colorado, U of Butcher, Sharon Shenandoah U
Colorado, U of McLaughlin, John Sam Houston S
Columbia U Draper, Paul Sonoma S U
Columbia U Shevey, Betsy CUNY, Lehman
Connecticut, U of Cimics, John St Cloud S U
Connecticut, U of Yost, Mary Frostburg S U
Cornell U Williams, David Ohio S, Newark
CUNY Crespy, David A Missouri, Clmb
CUNY McGuckin, Eric Sonoma S U
CUNY, Brooklyn Cabot, Adele Maryland, CollPk
CUNY, GradCntr Curry, Jane Wake Forest U
CUNY, GradCntr Kosky, Christine CUNY, Lehman
Delaware, U of von Fossen Storr, Annie American U
E Michigan U McGraw, Timothy Longwood C
Emory U McLean, Adrienne Texas, Dallas
Georgia, U of Grim, Scott W Oregon U
Georgia, U of Judd, Stephen S Mississippi, U of
Georgia, U of Mays, Robert Chadron S C
Illinois S U Alley, Debbie Augustana C
Illinois, U of Bergner, Bruce Colorado, Bldr
Illinois, U of Harreld, Janet Tulane U
Illinois, U of Romersberger, Sara S Methodist U
Illinois, Urbana Saldivar, Norma Wiscnsn, Madsn
Indiana U Kumar, Shanti N Texas, U of
Indiana U McDormon, Todd Wabash C
Indiana U Stanley, N J Bucknell U
Iowa, U of Anderson, Joe Georgia S U
Iowa, U of Evans, Jennifer N Texas, U of
Maryland, U of Wang, Shujen Emerson C
Michigan, U of Calgaris, Susan Alfred U
Michigan, U of Griffith, David Alfred U
Michigan, U of Ward, Melody Old Dominion U
Minnesota, U of Dalby, Michael Emerson C
Minnesota, U of Gale, Richard Sonoma S U
Missouri, U of Gendrich, Cynthia Wake Forest U
Missouri, U of Golden, Joe Albertson C
N Carolina, Grnsbr Van Blarcom, Bruce Hamilton C
N Illinois U Buchanan, Mark Holy Cross, C of
N Illinois U Schatzline-Behr, Elaine Indiana S U
N/A Bouliman, Susan Shippensburg U
N/A Kurty, Jeffrey Shippensburg U
N/A Reicerburn, Garry Bard C
Nebraska, Lncln Traum, Harry Millikin U
New Orleans, U of Woods, Steve S Methodist U
New York U Arthur, Loyce Iowa, U of
New York U Grundmann, Roy Boston U
New York U Haugle, Lisa Cal,Uof,Irvine
New York U McArver, William Fordham U
New York U Muto, Eugene Longwood C
New York U Yetman, Charlotte Baldwin-Wallace
Northwestern U Franck, Phillip Vanderbilt U
Northwestern U Jackson, Shannon Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Ohio S U Chen, Ting-Yu Shenandoah U
Ohio S U Gavaler, Joan William & Mary
Ohio S U Jones, Mark Mdl Tennessee
Oregon, U of Dejong, Jeanette Indiana, Blmngtn
Oregon, U of Utz, James Cal S, Scrmnto
Oregon, U of Wintersteen, David Concordia, Mrhd
Penn S U Byron, Lee Ithaca C
Penn S U McHugh, Scott Kean C
Pittsburgh, U of Delventhal, Thomas Cntrl Connecticut
Rutgers U Ingman, Jeffrey Pacific, U of the
S California, U of Bach, Stephen Columbia U
S California, U of Barbash, Ilisa Colorado, Bldr
S Dakota, U of Bartling, Kim Sioux Falls, U of
S Dakota, U of Legore, David Texas Lutheran
S Illinois, Crbndl Chambers, Jonathan St Lawrence U
S Illinois, Crbndl Miller, Jackson E Oregon S C
S Methodist U Arnett, Alan Shenandoah U
S Methodist U Delaney, Patricia S Methodist U
S Methodist U Jacques, David Cal S, LngBch
S Methodist U Noel, William Sam Houston S
S Methodist U Paulsen, Lisa Alabama, U of
San Frncsco Art Inst Eis, Joel W Georgia, S U of
Stanford U Kuftinec, Sonja Minnsota,TwnC
Stephens C Allison, Kelley Alabama, Brmng
SUNY, Buffalo Formato, Lynn SUNY, Buffalo
Tennessee S U Richard, Melinda Mdl Tennessee
Tennessee, U of Vogel, Richard Wiscnsn, RiverF
Texas, Austin Johnson, David Washington, U of
Texas, Austin McTier, David Rockhurst C
Texas, Austin Negra, Diane N Texas, U of
Texas, Austin Peterson, William Cal S, SnBrndno
Texas Tech U Hubbard, Ron Alabama, Brmng
Texas, U of Nordhagen, Daniel Rockhurst C
Trinity U Angwell, Merlaine Wiscnsn, Oshk
Trinity U Moss, Arthur Morningside C
Tufts U Zampelli, Michael Santa Clara U
W Illinois U Dennhardt, Paul Wiscnsn, Madsn
W Virginia U Gorman-Crehan, Tressa SUNY, Buffalo
Washington, U of Brown, Rebecca Maryland, BaltCnty
Washington, U of O’Connor, John Fairmont S C
Washington, U of Russell, Susan Gettysburg C
Washington, U of Simpson, Maria Washington, U of
Washington, U of Underiner, Tamara Minnsota,TwnC
Wayne S U Norton, Tracey Millikin U
Wiscnsn, LaCrosse Kathan, Debra Wiscnsn, RiverF
Wiscnsn, Milw Janoviak, David W Oregon U
Wiscnsn, U of McLennan, Kathleen N Dakota, U of
Wiscnsn, U of Parks, Lisa Cal,Uof,StBarbara
Wiscnsn, U of Seham, Amy Gustavus Adolph
Yale U Gilbert, Charlene SUNY, Buffalo
Yale U Gold, Richard Yale U
Yale U Lloyd, Benjamin Villanova U
Yale U Rony, Fatima Cal,Uof,Irvine
Yale U Simon, Arlyn NewMexicoHghln
CAN-Br Columbia Akers, Julie Willamette U
CAN-York U Ley, David Alberta, U of-CAN
CAN-York U Xu, Feng Agnes Scott C
CUBA-Cntr Artes Torves, Jorge P Rico, Cayey
UK-CntrlSpchDrama Stackhouse, Susan Dalhousie U-CAN

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