JobTracks: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Brown U Borra, Antonello Ithaca C
Cal,Uof Serrano, Richard Rutgers, NBruns
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Concolino, Christopher San Francisco S
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Ferme, Valerio Colorado, Bldr
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Friach, Andrea S California, U of
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Riley, Patrick Colgate U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Cavigioli, Rita Missouri, Clmb
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Pireddu, Nicoletta Georgetown U
Chicago, U of Abad, Maria St Augustine C
Chicago, U of Bakic-Hayden, Milica Pittsburgh, U of
Chicago, U of Dalka, Laverne Hanover C
Chicago, U of Iverson, John Missouri, Clmb
Chicago, U of Jewett, Margaret Dartmouth C
Chicago, U of Melgar, Lucia Princeton U
Chicago, U of Spreen, Constance Chicago, U of
Colorado, U of Neemann, Harold Wyoming, U of
Columbia U Ippolito, Christophe Hamilton C
Cornell U Boutin, Aimee Florida S U
Cornell U Renaudin, Christine Sonoma S U
CUNY Carugati, Giuliana Emory U
CUNY Fisch-Freedman, Gina Colorado, Bldr
Georgia, U of Bolling, Larry Oral Roberts U
Georgia, U of Hernandez, Teresita DePauw U
Georgia, U of Lemarchand, Lionel Georgia Tech
Harvard U Amatangelo, Susan Holy Cross, C of
Illinois, U of Cropper, Corry Brighm Yng U
Illinois, U of Johnson, Warren Arkansas S U
Illinois, Urbana Greene, Virginia Harvard U
Indiana U Augier, Denis New Orleans, Uof
Indiana U Catel, Mylene Minot S U
Indiana U Scullen, Mary Ellen Maryland, CollPk
Indiana U Vogl, Mary Millikin U
Iowa, U of Hartlaub, Steven Winona S U
Iowa, U of Lloyd, Caryl W Georgia, S U of
Kansas, U of Imhoff, Guy Baldwin-Wallace
Kansas, U of Lauersdorf, Josee W Oregon U
Michigan S U Alkhas, Anita Wiscnsn, Milwaukee
Michigan S U Cassagne, Isabelle N Texas, U of
Michigan S U Foster, Dina Perimeter C
Michigan, U of Mainil, Jean Northwestern U
Michigan, U of Marker, Cynthia Old Dominion U
Minnesota, U of Homler, Scott St Olaf C
Minnesota, U of Jackson, Dianah Washington, U of
Missouri, U of Davaut, Nathalie Gardner-Webb U
N Carolina, ChpHl Doggett, Laine Erksine C
N Carolina, U of Erickson, Lars Olaf N Colorado, U of
N/A Phillippe, Denise Indiana, Blmngtn
New York U Curran, Andrew Wesleyan U
New York U Goznell, Jonathan Smith C
Northwestern U Cattille-Foley, Nora Georgia Tech
Ohio S U Bolovan, Margaret Frostburg S U
Ohio S U Dubois, Philippe Bucknell U
Penn S U Arantowicz, Erin J Bucknell U
Penn S U Provencher, Denis Wiscnsn, LaCro
Penn, U of Houk, Deborah Purdue U
Penn, U of McCready, Susan S Alabama, U of
Penn, U of Racevskis, Roland Iowa, U of
Penn, U of Solomon, Julie Tufts U
Penn, U of Wyngaard, Amy Syracuse U
Pittsburgh, U of Perrotta, Lucia Dickinson C
Princeton U Mecchia, Giuseppina Pittsburgh, U of
Purdue U Prabhu, Anjali Wellesley C
S Carolina, U of Hintz, Nathalie American U
Texas, Austin Golato, Peter Alabama, Tusclsa
Texas, Austin Guillory, Helen St Edward’s U
Texas, Austin Ragone, Agnes Shippensburg S U
Texas, U of Golato, Peter Alabama, U of
Virginia, U of Murray, Alison N Carolina, Wlm
Washington U Agosta, Valerie St Louis U
Washington U Burde, Mark Yale U
Washington U Durbin, Nancy Pittsburgh S C
Washington U Gregg, Melanie Dickinson C
Washington U King, David Memphis, U of
Washington U Longley, Anne Georgia, U of
Washington U Phillips, Pamela Wiscnsn, Milwaukee
Washington, U of Oliver, Mark Brighm Yng U
Wayne S U Eschrich, Gabriella Michigan, Drbrn
Wiscnsn, Madsn Alfie, Fabian R Arizona, Tucson
Wiscnsn, Madsn Beckstrand, Lisa Concordia, Mrhd
Wiscnsn, Madsn Nephew, Julia Rockford C
Yale U Melchor, Antonio Gettysburg C
Yale U Phillips, Kristin Yale U
Yale U Scalabrini, Massimo Washington, U of
Yale U Toczyski, Suzanne Sonoma S U
Yale U Watts, Richard Tulane U
Yale U Weber, Caroline Penn, U of
CAN-Br Columbia DiCecco, Daniela S Carolina, Columb
CAN-Ottowa, U of Hotte, Lucie Ottawa, U of-CAN
CAN-Toronto Frigerio, Vittorio Dalhousie U-CAN
CAN-Toronto Taylor, Shelley W Ontario-CAN
FRN-Paris, U of Elson, Christopher Dalhousie U-CAN
UK-Birmingham Zielonka, Anthony Assumption C

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