Hirings & Tenurings: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Akron, U of Cusack, Christopher Keene S C
Arizona, U of Medler, Michael Rutgers, NBruns
Arizona, U of Qi, Jiaguo Michigan S U
Arizona, U of Vias, Alexander N Colorado, U of
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Bunge, Hans-Peter Princeton U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Freidberg, Susanne Dartmouth C
Cal,Uof,Irvine Crepeau, Richard Appalachian S
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Forest, Benjamin Dartmouth C
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Talen, Emily Texas, Dallas
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Walker, Richard Wiscnsn, StevPt
Clark U Holder, Curtis Augustana C
Delaware, U of Ellis, Andrew Arizona S U
Delaware, U of Feddema, Johannes Kansas, U of
Florida S U Boswell, Michael California Polytech
Florida S U Sipe, Neil Griffith U
Florida, U of Amey, Robert Maryland, BaltCnty
Georgia, U of Hu, Shunfu Wiscnsn, Oshk
Illinois, Urbana Urban, Michael Missouri, Clmb
Indiana U Arnold, David L Ball S U
Iowa, U of Bennett, David Kansas, U of
Kansas, U of Henry, James Mdl Tennessee
Kansas, U of Schmiedeler, Tom Washburn U
Kansas, U of Shortridge, Barbara Kansas, U of
Kent S U Clarke, Audrey W Oregon U
Kent S U Tettey-Fio, Eugene SUNY, Bngmtn
Kentucky, U of Bowen, John Wiscnsn, Oshk
Kentucky, U of Hanna, Stephen Mary Washngtn C
Louisiana S U Coggins, C Simon’s Rock (Bard)
Louisiana S U Hardy, Jeffrey E Stroudsburg PA
Miami, Oxford Graves, Steve Louisiana Tech
Michigan S U Grolle, John Saginaw Valley S
Michigan S U Pires, Mark LIU, CWPost
Michigan, U of Czajkowski, Kevin Toledo, U of
Michigan, U of Lin, Ge Victoria, U of-CAN
Minnesota, U of Bjelland, Mark Gustavus Adolph
Minnesota, U of Flynn, John Wiscnsn, RiverF
N Carolina, U of Sweeney, Stuart Cal,Uof,StBarbara
N/A Fox, Richard Shippensburg U
N/A Salzmann, Bryan Shippensburg U
Nebraska, Lncln Lodhi, Mahtab New Orleans, Uof
Ohio S U Poon, Jessie SUNY, Buffalo
Penn S U Hoeschele, Wolfgang Truman S U
Penn S U Leichenko, Robin Rutgers, NBruns
Rutgers U Rothenberg, Tamar Bucknell U
Syracuse U O’Lear, Shannon Illinois S U
Tennessee, U of Guo, Qian San Francisco S
Tennessee, U of Royall, Daniel Alabama, U of
Utah, U of Sohn, Youngsinn Clarion U of PA
W Michigan U Montgomery, William Jersey City S C
Washington, U of Silvey, Rachel Colorado, Bldr
Wiscnsn, Madsn Knox, John Valparaiso U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Till, Karen Minnsota,TwnC
Wiscnsn, Madsn Wang, Linda Quinling S Carolina, Aiken
Wiscnsn, Milw Ghose, Rena Illinois S U
Wiscnsn, U of Glaesel, Heidi Elon C
Wyoming, U of Deibert, Jack Edward Austin Peay S
CAN-Br Columbia Braun, Bruce Minnsota,TwnC
CAN-Br Columbia Brown, Michael Washington, U of
CAN-Queen’s U Bowen, Dawn Mary Washngtn C
CIS-Dukachev Inst Andronikov, Sergei Cntrl Arkansas

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