Hirings & Tenurings: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Arizona S U Gregg, Tracy SUNY, Buffalo
Arizona, U of Burgess, Anthony Columbia U
Arizona, U of Downing, Kevin W Oregon U
Arizona, U of Kowalewski, Michael Virginia Tech
Cal Tech Abolins, Mark Mdl Tennessee
Cal Tech Garnero, Edward Arizona S U
Cal Tech Leshin, Laurie Arizona S U
Cal Tech Spotila, James Virginia Tech
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Hancock, Gregory William & Mary
Cincinnati, U of Greenstein, Benjamin Cornell College
Colorado, Bldr Heinrichs, John Fort Hays S U
Colorado S U Cenderelli, Daniel Alabama, U of
Colorado S U Finley, Catherine N Colorado, U of
Colorado, U of Morrow, Jared R N Colorado, U of
Columbia U Coakley, Bernard Tulane U
Columbia U Lewis, Stephan Cal S, Fresno
Columbia U Lieberman, Bruce Kansas, U of
Columbia U Wright, James Rutgers, NBruns
Cornell U Harpp, Karen Colgate U
Cornell U Rothman, Dale Columbia U
CUNY Messina, Paula San Jose S U
Dakota, U of Lord, Mark W Carolina U
Dartmouth C Ryan, Peter Middlebury C
Delaware, U of Khalequzzman, Md Georgia Swstrn
Georgia, U of Garcia, Joseph Longwood C
Illinois, U of Berger, Amy Heidelberg C
Illinois, U of Hagaman, Steve Appalachian S
Johns Hopkins Buttles, James Duke U
Johns Hopkins Gilotti, Jane Iowa, U of
Johns Hopkins Schubel, Kathryn Lafayette C
Kansas, U of Havenhill, Asher Georgia Swstrn
Michigan, U of Atekwana, Eliot IndianaPurdu,Ind
Michigan, U of Martini, Anna Amherst C
Minnesota, U of Hudak, George Wiscnsn, Oshk
Minnesota, U of Markley, Michelle Mt Holyoke C
Minnesota, U of Tikoff, Basil Wiscnsn, Madsn
Minnesota, U of Weber, Rodney Georgia Tech
Missouri, Columbia Seipel, Michael Truman S U
MIT Colodner, Debra Columbia U
MIT Gille, Sarah T Cal,Uof,Irvine
MIT Northrup, Clyde Boise S U
MIT Saylor, Beverly Case Western Res
N Carolina, ChpHl Miller, Jonathan San Jose S U
N Carolina, ChpHl Trupe, Charles Georgia Southern
N Carolina S U Anderson, William Illinois S U
N Colorado, U of Leafgren, Rita N Colorado, U of
Nevada, U of Caskey, John San Francisco S
Nevada, U of Gardner, Geoffrey Charleston, C of
New Mexico Mining Wilch, Thomas Albion C
Notre Dame, U of Cassidy, Daniel W Michigan U
Ohio S U Kudless, Kristen Appalachian S
Ohio S U Templeton, Jeffrey W Oregon U
Princeton U Bronski, Jared Illinois, Urbana
Rhode Island, U of Garfield, Newell San Francisco S
Rhode Island, U of Isley, Ann SUNY, Oswego
Rochester, U of Parsons-Hubbard, Karla Oberlin C
Stanford U Burgmann, Roland Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Stanford U Crider, Juliet Bryn Mawr C
Stanford U Owen, Susan S California, U of
SUNY, Buffalo Wiles, Gregory Wooster, C of
Tennessee, U of Gompper, Mathew Columbia U
Texas A&M U Zhang, Chuan Lun Missouri, Clmb
Texas, Austin Becker, Matthew SUNY, Buffalo
Virginia, U of Knapp, Elizabeth Washington&Lee
Washington U Wetzel, Laura Eckerd C
Washington, U of MacLeod, Ken Missouri, Clmb
Wiscnsn, Madsn Anandakrishnani, Sridhar Alabama, U of
Wiscnsn, Madsn Fermanich, Kevin Wiscnsn, GrnB
Wiscnsn, Madsn Muldoon, Maureen Wiscnsn, Oshk
Wyoming, U of Crossey, Laura New Mexico, U of
Wyoming, U of Eberle, Jaelyn Rice U
Wyoming, U of Edwards, Benjamin Grand Valley S U
Wyoming, U of Scoates, James Brussels, U of-
Wyoming, U of Singer, Bradley Wiscnsn, Madsn
CAN-Toronto Nadon, Greg Ohio U
CAN-W Ontario Ceh, Brian Indiana S U
UK-Oxford U Davies-Vollum, Katherine Ball S U
UK-Oxford U Slattery, Michael Texas Christian

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