Hirings & Tenurings: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
American U Lauerman, Robin Shippensburg U
American U Wiktorowich, Quintan Shippensburg U
Arizona S U Jarrett, James Fort Hays S U
Arizona, U of Mao, Kristina Fitchburg S C
Arizona, U of Torges-Hoffman, G Indiana U of PA
Atlanta U Okumu, F Wafula Chapman U
Auburn U Harris, Paul Augusta S U
Boston C Goren, Lilly Kenyon C
Boston U Ferrari, Lisa Hamilton C
Brandeis U Siplon, Patricia St Michael’s C
Cal Tech Fey, Mark Rochester, U of
Cal Tech Filippov, Mikhail Washington U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Golden, Marissa Bryn Mawr C
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Manning, Carrie Georgia S U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Palmquist, Bradley Vanderbilt U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Sivamy, Arun Oberlin C
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Snyder, Richard Illinois, Urbana
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Yashar, Deborah Princeton U
Cal,Uof,Davis Valenty, Linda San Jose S U
Cal,Uof,Irvine Brians, Craig Virginia Tech
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Cetinyan, Rupen Pittsburgh, U of
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Herb, Michael Georgia S U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Kreppel, Amy Florida, Gnsvl
Cal,Uof,Riverside Kennedy, Carole San Diego S
Cal,Uof,Riverside O’Regan, Valerie N Dakota S U
Cal,Uof,Riverside Park, Philip Columbia U
Cal,Uof,Riverside Sanders Romero, F Texas, SanAnton
Cal,Uof,Riverside Stambough, Steven N Dakota S U
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Chang, Michele Colgate U
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Englehart, Neil Lafayette C
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Katz, Jonathan Chicago, U of
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Samuels, David Minnsota,TwnC
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Weston, Joan Babson C
Chicago, U of Barros, Robert San Andreas, U de-
Chicago, U of Bo, Zhiyue St John Fisher
Chicago, U of Carpenter, Daniel Michigan, U of
Chicago, U of Clements, Stephen Kentucky, U of
Chicago, U of Crowe, Nancy Dartmouth C
Chicago, U of Engster, Daniel Texas, SanAnton
Chicago, U of Fischer, Markus Oglethorpe U
Chicago, U of Goswami, Manu Cal,Uof,StCruz
Chicago, U of Herrera, Yoshiko Harvard U
Chicago, U of Holt, David Whitman C
Chicago, U of Koremenos, B Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Chicago, U of Larocca, Roger Purdue U
Chicago, U of Mandell, David Reed C
Chicago, U of McCormick, John Yale U
Chicago, U of Miller, Nancy Maryland, BaltCnty
Chicago, U of Moore, Nina Colgate U
Chicago, U of Smith, Jeffrey Colgate U
Chicago, U of Stuart, Guy Harvard U
Chicago, U of Tegtmeyer Pak, K S Florida, U of
Cincinnati, U of Brody, Alan John Carroll U
Cincinnati, U of Ward, James New Mexico S U
Clarement C Daugherty, William Armstrong S
Colorado S U Thomas, Gerald Purdue U
Columbia U Bose, Sumantra Wellesley C
Columbia U Carey, Henry Georgia S U
Columbia U Langohr, Vickie Holy Cross, C of
Columbia U Montero, Alfred Carleton C
Columbia U Tsai, Kellee Emory U
Connecticut, U of Payerhin, Marek Alma C
Cornell U Johnson, Nancy Texas Tech U
Cornell U Leheny, David Wiscnsn, Madsn
Cornell U Purnell, Kathy Albion C
Cornell U Wesoky, Sharon Allegheny C
CUNY Lahav, Gallya Wesleyan U
Dallas, U of Ault, Michael Bridgewater S
Denver, U of Mahmud, Sakah Transylvania U
Duke U Foyle, Douglas Wesleyan U
Duke U James, Michael Gustavus Adolph
Duke U Magaloni-Kerpel, Beatriz Stanford U
Florida S U Hart, Robert N Texas, U of
Florida S U Lewis, Arnold Wooster, C of
Florida S U Li, Quan Penn S U
Florida S U Smith, J Donald N Texas, U of
Florida S U Tao, Jill Oklahoma, U of
Florida, U of Halfacre, Angela Charleston, C of
Florida, U of Lanegran, Kimberly Hood C
G Washington U Moran, John Kennesaw S U
Georgetown U Gould, William St Anselm C
Georgetown U Mazzucelli, Colette Beaver C
Georgetown U VanCott, Donna Tennessee, Knox
Georgia S U Brown, Cheryl Marshall U
Georgia, U of Grant, J Christopher Presbyterian C
Harvard U Dehejia, Rajeev Columbia U
Harvard U Jones Luong, Pauline Yale U
Harvard U Joyce, Patrick Holy Cross, C of
Harvard U Krause, Sharon Wesleyan U
Harvard U Livingston, Steven Mdl Tennessee
Harvard U Means, Angela Dartmouth C
Harvard U Muthu, Sankar New School U
Harvard U Pekkanen, Saadia Middlebury C
Harvard U Posner, Daniel Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Harvard U Sabl, Andrew Vanderbilt U
Harvard U Solis, Mireya Brandeis U
Harvard U Taliaferro, Jeffrey Tufts U
Havard U Murillo, Maria Yale U
Houston, U of Santos, Adolfo Houston, Dntn
Illinois, Urbana Chapin, Wesley Wiscnsn, RiverF
Indiana U Matejczyk, Anthony Bucknell U
Indiana U Olivo, Christine Antioch U
Johns Hopkins Fred-Mensah, Ben Hamilton C
Johns Hopkins Harris, Doug Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins Wright, Danaya Florida, U of
Louisville, U of Beavers, Gerald Austin Peay S
Maryland, U of Conley, Richard Florida, Gnsvl
Maryland, U of Hewitt, Joseph Missouri, Clmb
Mass, Amherst Kay, Sean Rhodes C
Miami, Oxford Ilgenfritz, Craig Antioch U
Michigan S U Reddick, Anna Arizona S U
Michigan, U of Bayard De Volo, Lorraine Kansas, U of
Michigan, U of Braumoeller, Bear Illinois, Urbana
Michigan, U of Lavaque-Manty, Mika Washington, U of
Michigan, U of Martin, Margaret St Thomas, U of
Michigan, U of Rousseau, David Penn, U of
Michigan, U of Sartori, Anne Wiscnsn, Madsn
Michigan, U of Sehrt, Kaja Dartmouth C
Minnesota, U of Harris, Miriam Macalester C
Minnesota, U of Smith, Elizabeth Furman U
Missouri, St Louis Roberds, Stephen S Utah U
Missouri, U of Dohrman, Dean Cntrl Missouri S
MIT Taylor, Brian Oklahoma, U of
MIT Varshney, Asutosh Columbia U
N Arizona U Ashley, Jeffrey Saginaw Valley S
N Carolina, ChpHl de Marchi, Scott Washington U
N Carolina, ChpHl Powers, Denise Iowa, U of
N Carolina, U of Pallansch, Leona St Mary’s U
N Carolina, U of Ray, Leonard SUNY, Bngmtn
N Carolina, U of Schaller, Thomas Maryland, BaltCnty
N Illinois U McDonald, Scott Valdosta S C
N Illinois U Phillips, Robert Wheeling Jesuit
N Illinois U Stewart, Patrick Arkansas S U
N Texas, U of Major, Rafe Brescia C
N/A Mares, Isabella Stanford U
N/A Underhill-Cady, Joseph Augsburg C
Nebraska, Lncln Busch, Beverly Georgia Swstrn
Nebraska, U of Ahuja, Sunil Seton Hall U
New Mexico, U of Peterson, Mark Washburn U
New Mexico, U of Prindeville, Diane New Mexico S U
New School U Kurelic, Zoran Zagreb, U of-YGSL
New School U Luders, Joseph Seton Hall U
New School U Montufar, Cesar S Bolivar-BLVIA
Northwestern U Powell, Richard Hamilton C
Northwestern U Wrasman, Mary Mdl Tennessee
Ohio S U Boettcher, William N Carolina S U
Ohio S U Clark, John W Michigan U
Ohio S U Martinez-Ebens, V Texas Christian
Ohio S U Oxley, Zoe Union C
Ohio S U Ruddy, Sally Cntrl Michigan
Oklahoma, U of Carter, Larry Valdosta S C
Oklahoma, U of Copeland, Mike Fort Hays S U
Oklahoma, U of Goldey, Gregory T Morehead S U
Oklahoma, U of LeBlanc, Robin Washington&Lee
Penn, U of Benfell, Steven W Michigan U
Penn, U of Breslin, William Skidmore C
Pittsburgh, U of Perez, Orlando Cntrl Michigan
Princeton U Deudney, Daniel Johns Hopkins
Princeton U Dovi, Suzanne Arizona, Tucson
Princeton U Duffield, John Georgia, U of
Princeton U Evenacion, Omail Bard C
Princeton U McCrary, Peyton Swarthmore C
Princeton U Villa, Dana Cal,Uof,StBarbara
Rice U Anderson, R Bruce Hastings C
Rice U Neathery, Jody Nebraska, Oma
Rochester, U of McGillivray, Fiona Yale U
Rochester, U of Smith, Alastair Yale U
Rochester, U of Steinacker, Anette Claremont Grad
Rochester, U of Vavreck, Lynn Dartmouth C
Rochester, U of Yap, O Fiona Kansas, U of
Rutgers U Keck, Thomas Oklahoma, U of
Rutgers U Snyder, Claire Illinois S U
S California, U of Gonzalez, George King’s C
S California, U of Han, Lori Austin C
S California, U of Jeffries, Judson Purdue U
S California, U of Taylor, James SanFrancisco,Uof
S Carolina, U of Ucarer, Emek Bucknell U
S Mississippi, U of Newman, William S Mississippi, U of
Stanford U Canes, Brandice MIT
Stanford U Friedman, Elisabeth Barnard C
Stanford U Keleman, R Daniel Rutgers, NBruns
Stanford U Lawrence, Eric Cal,Uof,Riverside
Stanford U Lawson, Chappell MIT
Stanford U Reich, Robert Stanford U
Stanford U Shotts, Kenneth Northwestern U
SUNY, Albany Farrar-Myers, Victoria Texas, Arlington
SUNY, Albany Franklin, Aimee Oklahoma, U of
SUNY, Binghmtn Broderick, Kristin Allentown C
SUNY, Binghmtn Compton, Robert W Kentucky U
SUNY, Binghmtn Hammes, Michelle St Cloud S U
SUNY, Binghmtn Maslin-Wicks, Kimberly Hendrix C
SUNY, Binghmtn Mousseau, Mi Koz, Istanbul-TRKY
SUNY, Bnghmtn Barbieri, Katherine Vanderbilt U
SUNY, Bnghmtn Quainoo, Samuel E E Stroudsburg PA
SUNY, Stny Brk Chard, Richard Georgia S U
SUNY, Stny Brk Howard, Robert Georgia S U
SUNY, Stny Brk Ruhil, Anirudh S Carolina, Columb
SUNY, Stny Brk Stenner, Karen Princeton U
SW Texas S U Trayhan, John Our Lady Lake
Temple U Weizer, Paul Fitchburg S C
Texas A&M U Bohrer, Robert Gettysburg C
Texas A&M U Tan, Alexander N Texas, U of
Texas A&M U True, James Lamar U
Texas, Austin Berner, Maureen N Carolina, ChpHl
Texas, Austin Hetherington, Marc Bowdoin C
Texas, Austin Huang, Tong-Yi Shih-Hsin U-
Texas, Austin Mason, John Rhodes C
Texas, Austin Pallares, Amalia Illinois, Chicago
Texas, Austin Parent, Patricia SW Texas S U
Texas, U of Davis, Terry Lamar U
Utah, U of Hasanen, Mohammed S Utah U
Vanderbilt U McDaniel, Robb Mdl Tennessee
Virginia Tech Hall, Tammy Indiana S U
Virginia, U of Staab, James Cntrl Missouri S
Virginia, U of Waalkes, Scott T Malone C
W Michigan U Regan, Patrick SUNY, Bngmtn
Washington S U Parry, Janine Arkansas, Ftvl
Washington S U Schreckhise, William Arkansas, Ftvl
Washington S U Simon, Christopher Nevada, Reno
Washington U Anderson, Christopher Cornell U
Washington U Ceccoli, Stephen Rhodes C
Washington U Conant, Lisa Ohio U
Washington U Djupe, Paul St Thomas, U of
Washington U Glean, Roland Midwestern S U
Washington U Johnson, Timothy S Illinois, U of
Washington U Martin, Andrew SUNY, Stny Brk
Washington U Whitford, Andrew Rice U
Washington U Wolbrecht, Christina Notre Dame U
Washington, U of Alexseev, Mikhail Appalachian S
Washington, U of Thornton, Patricia Trinity C
Washington, U of Whiteneck, Daniel Towson S U
Wayne S U Green, Teresa E Michigan U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Ayres, Jeffrey St Michael’s C
Wiscnsn, Madsn Bosworth, Matthew Winona S U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Jenkins, Laura Cincinnati, U of
Wiscnsn, Madsn Siemers, David Wellesley C
Yale U Fetzer, Joel Cntrl Michigan
Yale U Hattori, Tomohisa CUNY, Lehman
Yale U Paris, Roland Colorado, Bldr
ASTRL-New Cstle Blair, Brook N Colorado, U of
CAN-Carleton C Abu-Laban, Yasmeen Alberta, U of-CAN
CAN-York U Harder, Lois Alberta, U of-CAN
CAN-York U O’Brien, Robert McMaster-CAN
CAN-York U Vosko, Leah McMaster-CAN
GER-Heidelberg Badey, Thomas Randolph-Macon
NETH-Leiden U Raadscheldus, Jos Oklahoma, U of

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