Hirings & Tenurings: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Adelphi U Ferrari, Joseph DePaul U
Akron, U of Hollis-Sawyer, Lisa NEastern Illinois
Alabama, U of Stone, Edward Lee U
Arizona, U of Smith, Bradley S Carolina, Columb
Auburn U Folsom, Jacqueline Augusta S U
Auburn U Schor, Lawrence W Georgia, S U of
Baylor U Abraham, Pamela Immaculata C
Baylor U Keleman, William Missouri, St L
Boston U Evans, David Bucknell U
Boston U Heuchert, JW Allegheny C
Bowling Green S U Thorsteinson, Todd Idaho, U of
Brandeis U Montepare, Joann Emerson C
Brandeis U Ruscio, John Elizabethtown C
Brown U Liu, Zili Rutgers, Newark
Cal S U Rush, Shirley Maine, Preseq
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Columbo, Paul Tulane U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Huo, Yuen Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Klohnen, Eva Iowa, U of
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Mangels, Jennifer Columbia U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Weliky, Michael Rochester, U of
Cal,Uof,Irvine Cho, Young-Hee Cal S, LngBch
Cal,Uof,Irvine McBrian, Dawn Illinois S U
Cal,Uof,Irvine Rudd, Michael Washington, U of
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Armor, David Yale U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles DaCosta, Laura Illinois, Sprngf
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Davila, Joanne SUNY, Buffalo
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Helweg-Larson, Marie Transylvania U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles King, Kimberly Cal S, LosAngls
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Levin, Shana ClaremntMcKenna
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Yuan, Ke-Hai N Texas, U of
Cal,Uof,Riverside Atchley, Paul Kansas, U of
Cal,Uof,Riverside Atchley, Ruth Ann Kansas, U of
Cal,Uof,Riverside Howe, Tasha Transylvania U
Cal,Uof,Riverside Little, Todd Yale U
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Goodie, Adam Georgia, U of
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Hare, Mary Bowling Green S
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Pouget, Alexandre Rochester, U of
Cal,Uof,SnFrncsco Bachen, Elizabeth Mills C
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Crognale, Michael Nevada, Reno
Carnegie Mellon Braver, Todd Washington U
Carnegie Mellon Gupta, Prahlad Iowa, U of
Carnegie Mellon Huston, Therese Pacific, U of the
Carnegie Mellon King, Jonathan Missouri, Clmb
Carnegie Mellon Reber, Paul Northwestern U
Carnegie Mellon Vecera, Shaun Iowa, U of
Case Western Res Patil, Madhvi Boston U
Case Western Res Thapar, Anjali Bryn Mawr C
Case Western Res Westerman, Deanne SUNY, Bngmtn
Chicago, U of Asakawa, Kiuyoshi Shikoku U-JPN
Chicago, U of Schiff, Brian Hebrew U-ISR
Cincinnati, U of Bell, Susan Georgetown C
Cincinnati, U of Foley, Elizabeth St Thomas, U of
Cincinnati, U of Raudenbush, Bryan Wheeling Jesuit
Cincinnati, U of Smart, Leonard Miami U, Oxford
Clark U Flack, William Indiana U of PA
Colorado, U of Hatifeld, David Indianapolis, U of
Columbia U Shah, James Wiscnsn, Madsn
Columbia U Shapiro, Arthur Bucknell U
Connecticut, U of Chapedelaine, Andrea Albright C
Connecticut, U of Conway, James Cntrl Connecticut
Connecticut, U of Erwin, Terri Wheeling Jesuit
Connecticut, U of Sheffert, Sonya Cntrl Michigan
Cornell U Smith, W Carter Hampshire C
Cornell U Vanderwalle, G Rutgers, Newark
Delaware, U of Gottesman, Carmela Oklahoma, U of
Delaware, U of Youngstrom, Eric Case Western Res
DePaul U McMahon, Susan DePaul U
DePaul U Potts, Randolf Holy Cross, C of
Drexel U Schatz, Phillip St Joseph’s (PA)
Duke U Fraenkel, Peter CUNY, City C
Duke U Zakriski, Audrey Connecticut C
Duquesne U Gantt, Edward Brigham Young U
Duquesne U Rondinaro, Peter Immaculata C
Emory U Carton, John Oglethorpe U
Emory U Hutchins, Sharon S Denison U
Fairleigh Dickinson Petrie, Michael Bloomfield C
Finch U Amir, Nader Georgia, U of
Florida Atlantic U Brown, Rhonda Texas Tech U
Florida S U Taylor, Connie Midland Lutheran
Florida S U Thaw, Kurt Millsaps C
Florida, U of Messer, Wayne Berea C
Florida, U of Swoap, Robert Warren Wilson C
Florida, U of Vollmer, Timothy Florida, Gnsvl
Fordham U Quinn, Andrew St Joseph’s C, Suffolk
G Washington U Bowleg, Ingrid RhodeIsland,Uof
G Washington U Townsend, Tiffany Penn S U
Georgetown U Tan, Siu-Lan Kalamazoo C
Georgia Tech Chen, Yiwei Bowling Green S
Georgia Tech Palmer, Jerry SE Louisiana U
Georgia, U of Eisenman, Russell Kentucky Wesleyan
Georgia, U of Leynes, Andrew New Jersey, C of
Georgia, U of Prewett, Michael Georgia Swstrn
Georgia, U of Wayne, Julie Wake Forest U
Harvard U Beauboeuf, Tamara Houston, Dntn
Harvard U Shin, Lisa Tufts U
Houston, U of Carter, Alice Mass, Boston
Houston, U of MacDonald, Pamelyn Washburn U
Houston, U of Wood, Stacey Scripps C
Illinois, U of Griffin, Zenzi Stanford U
Illinois, U of Kochenderfer, Becky Illinois S U
Illinois, U of Meyers, Adena Illinois S U
Illinois, Urbana Barch, Deanna Washington U
Indiana U Gershkoff-Stowe, Lisa Carnegie Mellon
Iowa S U Baker, Michael St Ambrose U
Iowa, U of James, Larry W Florida, U of
Johns Hopkins Baxter, Mark Harvard U
Johns Hopkins Moffatt, Christopher San Francisco S
Kansas S U Lucas, Jennifer Agnes Scott C
Kent S U Burch-Vernon, Angela Valparaiso U
Kent S U Evey, Julie S Indiana, U of
Kentucky, U of Crawford, Anne Kentucky, U of
Kentucky, U of Gallen, Robert Georgetown C
Kentucky, U of Lightner, Robin Peace C
Kentucky, U of McKenzie, Karyn Georgetown C
Kentucky, U of Sego, Sandra SW Texas S
Louisiana S U Kalpidou, Maria Assumption C
Loyola, Chicago Hirsch, Clifford Sul Ross S U
Loyola, Chicago Wandrei, Mary Marquette U
Loyola U Helford, Michael Roosevelt U
Maryland, U of Bradley, Megan Gettysburg C
Maryland, U of Clardy, Alan Towson S U
Maryland, U of Mallingkrodt, Brent Missouri, Clmb
Maryland, U of Matesevac, Linda Shippensburg U
Maryland, U of Prentice, Samuel La Sierra U
Mass, Amherst McCall, Daniel Gettysburg C
Mass, U of Schilling, Thomas Fitchburg S C
Mass, U of Wang, Zuoxin Florida S U
Mass, Uof Melloni Jr, Richard Northeastern U
Memphis, U of Stein, Risa Rockhurst C
Miami, U of Evans, Jovier IndianaPurdu,Ind
Michigan, AnAr Patalano, Andrea Ohio U
Michigan S U Cronan, Thereasa San Francisco S
Michigan, U of Bovair, Susan Charleston, C of
Michigan, U of Brown, Kendrick Macalester C
Michigan, U of Choi, Ineheol Illinois, Urbana
Michigan, U of Coley, John Northeastern U
Michigan, U of Hofer, Barbara Middlebury C
Michigan, U of Winkielman, Piotr Denver, U of
Minnesota, U of Borton, Jennifer Hamilton C
Minnesota, U of Gleason, Tracy Wellesley C
Minnesota, U of Keel, Pamela Harvard U
Minnesota, U of Lilenfeld, Lisa Georgia S U
Minnesota, U of Oswald, Frederick Purdue U
Minnesota, U of Otto, Amy Albion C
Minnesota, U of Stukas, Arthur N Colorado, U of
Minnesota, U of Tinsley, Howard Florida, Gnsvl
Missouri, U of Surrey, Lynn Indianapolis, U of
Missouri, U of Wood, Mark RhodeIsland,Uof
MIT Bavielier, Daphne Rochester, U of
MIT Sinha, Pawan Wiscnsn, Madsn
Montana, U of Kabrowski, Andrea Capital U
N Carolina, ChpHl Smith, Mark Davidson C
N Carolina, Grnsbr Cellucci, Anthony Idaho S U
N Carolina, Grnsbr Linster-Glenn, M Winston-Salem
N Carolina S U Scott, Van Armstrong S
N Colorado, U of Ross, Rosann N Colorado, U of
N/A Brand, Bethany Towson S U
N/A Stokes, Alan Rensselaer Poly
Nevada, Reno Callaghan, Glenn San Jose S U
Nevada, Reno Stewart, Mark Willamette U
Nevada, Reno Walser, Robyn Weber S C
Nevada, U of Bodamer, Mark D John Carroll U
New Hampshire,Uof Clark, Steven Lamar U
New Hampshire,Uof Halleran, Jennifer Drew U
New Hampshire,Uof Zhang, Yueping DePauw U
New Mexico, U of Zimmerman, Laura Shenandoah U
New School U Jaipal, Rashmi Bloomfield C
New School U Shepard, Beth Ann St Mary’s U
New York U Bernstein, David Fordham U
New York U Jia, Xiangdong CUNY, Lehman
New York U Kring, Ann Marie Cal,Uof,Berkeley
New York U Lea, R Brooke Macalester C
New York U Thompson, Erik Washington U
New York U Yoshikawa, HIrokazu New York U
Northwestern U Namy, Laura Emory U
Northwestern U Studebaker, Christine Castleton S U
Notre Dame, U of Julka, Deana Portland, U of
Ohio S U Dibble, Lisa Hope C
Ohio S U Phillips, Flip Skidmore C
Ohio S U Reise, Maria Illinois S U
Oklahoma S U Hutchison, Kent Colorado, Bldr
Oklahoma S U Martinez, Isaac Our Lady Lake
Oklahoma, U of Barile, Ami Cntrl Arkansas
Oklahoma, U of Crethar, Hugh Chadron S C
Old Dominion U Berndt, Andrea St Mary’s U
Oregon, U of Carlson, Stephanie Washington, U of
Penn S U Andre, Jeffrey Texas Tech U
Penn S U Hess-Brown, Laura SUNY, Oswego
Penn S U Phelps, Matthew Malone C
Penn S U Yelinek, Edward Shippensburg U
Penn, U of Bowers, Cheryl Maryland EShore
Penn, U of Cassidy, Kimberly Bryn Mawr C
Penn, U of Courtney, Susan Johns Hopkins
Penn, U of Ree, Malcolm Our Lady Lake
Pittsburgh, U of Gump, Brooks SUNY, Oswego
Princeton U Chen, Zhe Mississippi, U of
Purdue U Dixon, Felicia Ball S U
Purdue U Jackson, Jay IndianaPurdu,FW
Purdue U Nicholas, Jeffrey Bridgewater S
Purdue U Shaw, Kelley Knox C
Rhode Island, U of Frenald, Julian Nebraska Wslyn
Rochester, U of Mintz, Toben S California, U of
S California, U of Bradley, David Chicago, U of
S California, U of Ito, Tiffany Colorado, Bldr
S California, U of Schors, Tracey Rutgers, NBruns
S Florida, U of Smith, Cynthia Wheeling Jesuit
S Methodist U Dickens, Charles Texas Weslyn
San Diego S U Bacon, Steven Cal S, Bakersfld
San Francisco S U Whitemore-Hitt, Erin Hamilton C
St Mary’s U Cusack, Regina Our Lady Lake
Stanford U Mann, Traci Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Stanford U McBeath, Michael Arizona S U
Stanford U Mumme, Donna Tufts U
Stanford U Stone, Valerie Denver, U of
SUNY, Albany Hosoda, Megumi San Jose S U
SUNY, Albany Lennon, James Jersey City S C
SUNY, Binghmtn Matthews, Amy Brasilia, U de-BRZL
SUNY, Bnghmtn Carrigan, Maureen S Carolina, Aiken
SUNY, Bnghmtn Goodwin, Gregory Skidmore C
SUNY, Bnghmtn Gunther-LaVergne, Lisa Greensboro C
SUNY, Buffalo Bornstein, Robert Fordham U
SUNY, Stny Brk O’Donnell, Brian Indiana, Blmngtn
SUNY, Stny Brk Riso, Lawrence Georgia S U
SUNY, Stny Brk Smyth, Joshua N Dakota S U
SUNY, Stny Brk Toscano, Peter Assumption C
Syracuse U Jenkins, Lisa N Carolina, Wlm
Syracuse U Kinney, Andrew Utica C (Syracuse)
Syracuse U McFarlane, Hamlet Kenyon C
Syracuse U Shifren, Kim Towson S U
Temple U Freeman, Mark Drew U
Tennesse S U Batka, John S Utah U
Texas A&M U Day, Eric Valparaiso U
Texas A&M U Grover, Cathy Kansas Wesleyan U
Texas A&M U Mann, Judith Lamar U
Texas A&M U Tindall, Deborah Wilkes C
Texas, Austin Childers, Amy Emory U
Texas, Austin Chu, Joanne Oregon S U
Texas, Austin Gill, Michael Lehigh U
Texas, Austin Gutierrez, German Nac’l U-COLMB
Texas, Austin Kalakanis, Lisa SUNY, Buffalo
Texas, Austin Miller, Pamela Houston, U of
Texas, Austin Phelps, Katrine W Kentucky U
Texas, Austin Pinel, Elizabeth Penn S U
Texas, Austin Velasquez-Andrade, Elisa Sonoma S U
Texas Tech U Dicke, Amy Texas Lutheran
Texas Women’s U Ng, Kit Kean C
Toledo, U of Bourgeois, Martin Wyoming, U of
Utah S U DeBerad, Michael Portland, U of
Utah, U of Harris, Paul Colgate U
Utah, U of Messigner, Daniel Miami, U of
Vanderbilt U Pinder-Amaker, S Seton Hall U
Vanderbilt U Susser, Karin Wiscnsn, GrnB
Vermont, U of Wendt, Sally Marymount C
Virginia Cmnwlth U Kelley, Brian Bridgewater S
Virginia, U of Bolger, Kerry Miami, U of
Virginia, U of Eizenman, Dara Bowling Green S
Virginia, U of Woolard, Jennifer Florida, Gnsvl
W Florida, U of Williams, Vickie Augusta S U
W Michigan U Byrne, Thomas North Adams S
W Michigan U Potter, William Cal S, Stnslaus
W Virginia U Critchfield, Tom Illinois S U
Washington S U Higa, Jennifer Texas Christian
Washington S U Meil, William Indiana U of PA
Washington U Schatz, Jeffrey S Carolina, Columb
Washington U Spieler, Daniel Stanford U
Washington, U of Costigan, Catherine Victoria, U of-CAN
Washington, U of Whisman, Mark Colorado, Bldr
Wayne S U Hoodin, Flora E Michigan U
Wayne S U Ross, Scott DePauw U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Krueger, Robert Minnsota,TwnC
Wiscnsn, Madsn McKinley, Nita Allegheny C
Wiscnsn, U of Tershner, Sheralee W New England
Wyoming, U of Barney, Steve S Utah U
Yale U Marciano, Paul Davidson C
Yale U Woods, Edythe Madonna U
Yeshiva U Lenzenweger, Mark Harvard U
ASTRL-New Cstle Kusnecov, Alexander Rutgers, NBruns
CAN-Br Columbia Lalonde, Christopher Victoria-CAN
CAN-Concordia Devine, Darragh Florida, Gnsvl
CAN-Manitoba Currie, Paul J Barnard C
CAN-McGill U Packard, Mark Yale U
CAN-McMaster U Jennings, Janine Wake Forest U
CAN-McMaster U Larson, Susan Concordia, Mrhd
CAN-Victoria, U of Vernon, Anne Mt Royal C-CAN
CAN-Waterloo Arnell, Karen N Dakota S U
CAN-Waterloo Lockwood, Penelope Lethbridge-
FRN-Curie Linster, Christine Boston U
FRN-Hautes Etudes Philogene, Gina Sarah Lawrence C
GER-Humboldt U Kempe, Vera SUNY, Oswego
UK-Edinburgh Thompson, Robert Gettysburg C
UK-Manchester Devlen, Jennier Shippensburg U
UK-Oxford U Moris, Joanna Hampshire C
UK-Oxford U Stern, Chantal Boston U

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