JobTracks: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Baylor U Green, Brad Union U
Beeson Divin Nikides, Bill Samford U
Boston C Hoonhout, Michael A Catholic U Amer
Boston U Myers, Glenn E Crown C
Boston U Thatamanil, John Millsaps C
Cal,Uof Huda, Qamar-ul Boston C
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Herman, Phyllis Cal S, Nrthrdg
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Hsieh, Ding-wa Truman S U
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Talbot, Rick Cal S, Nrthrdg
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Mehrdad Armagani, Jon St Olaf C
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Reinders, Eric Emory U
Chicago, U of Antonaccio, Maria Bucknell U
Chicago, U of Bain-Selbo, Eric Lebanon Vally C
Chicago, U of Bennett, Brian Nebraska, Lncln
Chicago, U of Brown, Michael Wabash C
Chicago, U of Buchanan, Daniel St John’s, MN
Chicago, U of Burkes, Shannon Florida S U
Chicago, U of Chan, Stephen Seattle U
Chicago, U of Cozad, Laurie Mississippi, U of
Chicago, U of Egge, James Concordia, Mrhd
Chicago, U of Geaney, Jane Richmond, U of
Chicago, U of Gottschalk, Peter Southwestern U
Chicago, U of Grillo, Laura Wooster C
Chicago, U of Holloway, Paul Samford U
Chicago, U of Jackson, Matthew Case Western
Chicago, U of Johnson, Paul Missouri, Clmbia
Chicago, U of Kevern, John Rochester Div
Chicago, U of Kinnard, Jacob Northwestern U
Chicago, U of Knutsen, Mary Luther Sem
Chicago, U of Martinez, Gaspar Jesuit Sem-SPN
Chicago, U of Mathewes, Charles Virginia, U of
Chicago, U of McDougall, Joy Emory U
Chicago, U of Modak, Mark Mississippi, U of
Chicago, U of Mount, Christopher Chicago, U of
Chicago, U of Papanikolaou, A TrinityOrthodxSem
Chicago, U of Salter, Richard Hobart C
Chicago, U of Sarma, Deepak Vanderbilt U
Chicago, U of Schmalz, Matthew Holy Cross, C of
Chicago, U of St Ville, Susan St Lawrence U
Chicago, U of Stimming, Mary Dominican U
Chicago, U of Strom, Jonathan Emory U
Chicago, U of Thompson, Daniel Fordham U
Chicago, U of Urban, Hugh Ohio S U
Chicago, U of Weaver, Dariene Georgetown U
Chicago, U of Wong, Wai Hong Kong-CHNA
Claremont C Medina, Lara Cal S, Nrthrdg
Columbia U Bagger, Mathew Columbia U
Columbia U Lieber, Andrea Dickinson C
Columbia U Sommer, Deborah Gettysburg C
Connecticut, U of McKeon, Matthew N Dakota, U of
Duke U Aubin, Melissa Florida S U
Duke U Baker, Cynthia Swarthmore C
Duke U Ramsey, John David Hampden-Sydny
Duquesne U Crossen, Maureen Carlow C
Duquesne U Eckley, Richard Houghton C
Duquesne U Grey, Michael Duquesne U
Duquesne U Loftus, Eleanor St Patricks C-IRLD
Duquesne U Marshall, Dennis Aquinas C
Duquesne U Muldoon, Timothy Mt Aloysius C
Emory U Hawkins, Faith K Gustavus Adolph
Emory U Hotz, Kendra Calvin C
Emory U Mathews, Matthew Calvin C
Emory U Na, Kang-Yup Westminster C
Emory U Pennington, Brian Maryville C
Fordham U Jaoudi, Maria Cal S, Scrmnto
Fuller Theol Sem Milliron, Trevor Lee U
Fuller Theol Sem Rodriguez, Daniel Pepperdine U
Grad Theol Union Krell, Marc Arizona, Tucson
Grad Theol Union Scoville, Judith Northland C
Harvard Div Matthews, Shelly Furman U
Harvard Div Stewart, Dianne Holy Cross, C of
Harvard U Brodeur, Patrice Connecticut C
Harvard U Goss, Robert Webster U
Harvard U Gould, Rebecca Middlebury C
Harvard U Irwin, Alexander Amherst C
Harvard U Roach, Catherine Alabama, U of
Harvard U Trost, Theodore Alabama, U of
Howard U Mrozik, Susanne W Michigan U
Marquette U Carter, Guy St Peter’s C
Michigan, U of Ohnuma, Reiko Alabama, U of
MidW Bptst Theol Glidewell, Roger Union U
N Carolina, ChpHl Derogatis, Amy Michigan S U
N Carolina, ChpHl Haines-Eitzeni, Kim Cornell U
N Carolina, ChpHl Thompson, Charles Gettysburg C
Northwestern U Lester, Rita Nebraska Wslyn
Northwestern U Walser, Joseph Tufts U
Notre Dame, U of Ryan, Thomas St Thomas U
Notre Dame, U of Weiss, David Luther C
Oklahoma Christian South, David Freed-Hardeman
Penn, U of Boucher, Daniel Cornell U
Penn, U of Khan, Ruqayya Swarthmore C
Penn, U of Korom, Frank Boston U
Princeton Theol Armajani, Jon Mehrdad St Olaf C
Princeton Theol Solvang, Elna Concordia, Mrhd
Princeton U Ford, James Wake Forest U
Princeton U Fulop, Timothy King C
Princeton U Ruppert, Brian Illinois, Urbana
S Baptist Theol Sem Oliver, Dianne St Olaf C
S Cal, HbrwUnion Adler, Rachel S California, U of
S California, U of Deitrick, James Cntrl Arkansas
S Methodist U Heard, Christopher Milligan C
San Francisco Theol Caruso, Thomas Portland, U of
St John’s U McGuire, Anne Loras C
St Louis U Hammond III, Jay SanFrancisco,Uof
St Michael’s C Batten, Alicia St Thomas, U of
Syracuse U Gupta, Roxanne Albright C
Syracuse U Nelson, Janet IndianaPurdu,Ind
Temple U Allen, William C Austin C
Temple U Floyd-Thomas, Stacy Virginia Tech
Tennessee, U of Weierich, Mary Jarvis Christian C
Trinity Evangelical McKenzie, Roger Cntrl Wesleyan
Union Theol Sem Bryant, Robert Presbyterian C
Union Theol Sem Dixie, Quinton Indiana, Blmngtn
Union Theol Sem Scholz, Susanne Wooster, C of
Union Theol Sem Yeuell, Grace Presbyterian C
Vanderbilt U Phillips, Vicki W Virginia Wslyn
Virginia, U of Adrian, Marlin Salem C
Virginia, U of Kalbian, Aline Florida S U
Yale U Dowling, Rwegina P Fordham U
Yale U Cowdin, Daniel SalvaRegina
Yale U Gill, Katherine Boston C
Yale U Merdinger, Jane E Catholic U Amer
CAN-Br Columbia Clart, Philip Missouri, Clmb
CAN-Ottowa, U of Williams, Ritva Augustana C
CAN-Toronto Gollar, Walker Xavier U
CAN-Toronto Paleczny, Barbara Incarnate Word
ITL-Pont Greg U Pascuzzi, Maria St Peter’s C
NETH-Free U van Doorn-Harder, Nelly Valparaiso U
UK-Aberdeen James, William Oral Roberts U
UK-Cambridge Brashier, Kenneth Reed C
UK-Cambridge Hughes, Sean St Thomas, U of
UK-Glasgow, U of Middleton, Darren Texas Christian

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