JobTracks: Junior Hirings


Trained by Name Hired By
Arizona, U of Mark, Noah Stanford U
Arizona, U of Miller, Carol Wiscnsn, LaCro
Arizona, U of Quist, Theron Baldwin-Wallace
Binghamton U Ikeda, Satoshi Alberta, U of-CAN
Brown U Rendall, Michael Penn S U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Allen, David Georgia Southern
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Garcelon, Marc Middlebury C
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Manza, Jeff Northwestern U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Park, Hyun Ok New York U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Rhomberg, Christopher Yale U
Cal,Uof,Berkeley Salameh-Zbierski, Suava Haverford C
Cal,Uof,Davis Bjorkland, Diane Illinois S U
Cal,Uof,Davis Powers, Rosemary E Oregon S C
Cal,Uof,Irvine Sanchez, Lisa SUNY, Buffalo
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Charles, Camille Penn, U of
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Daniel, Reginald Cal,Uof,StBarbara
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles DeJong, Fred Calvin C
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Hytrek, Gary Georgia Southern
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Reese, Ellen Missouri, Clmb
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Roth, Benita SUNY, Bngmtn
Cal,Uof,LosAngeles Zentgraf, Kristine Cal S, LngBch
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Cussins, Charis Illinois, Urbana
Cal,Uof,SanDiego Ratliff, John Santa Clara U
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Goldman, Michael Illinois, Urbana
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Murray, Susan San Jose S U
Cal,Uof,SantaCruz Rudy, Alan Michigan S U
Cal,Uof,SnFrncsco Moore, Lisa J CUNY, StatIsl
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Huffman, Matt Cal,Uof,Irvine
Cal,Uof,StBarbara Mullins, Kerry Hamilton C
Chicago, U of Birgen, Judith Chicago S U
Chicago, U of Blair-Loy, Mary Washington S U
Chicago, U of Brush, Paula W Michigan U
Chicago, U of Carr, Patrick St Joseph’s (PA)
Chicago, U of Clark, Candace Montclair S U
Chicago, U of Clarkberg, Marin Cornell U
Chicago, U of Cook, Daniel Illinois, Urbana
Chicago, U of Espinosa, Kristin Wiscnsn, U of
Chicago, U of Farrer, James Sophia, Tokyo-JPN
Chicago, U of Frumkin, Peter Harvard U
Chicago, U of Glick, Douglas Vassar C
Chicago, U of Hrycak, Alexandra Reed C
Chicago, U of Jacobson, David New York U
Chicago, U of Joynder, Kara McGill U
Chicago, U of Kao, Grace Pennsylvania, U of
Chicago, U of Lee, Sunhwa American U
Chicago, U of Moeller, Eric Concordia U
Chicago, U of Morenoff, Jeffrey Michigan, U of
Chicago, U of Pattillo, Mary Northwestern U
Chicago, U of Pineda, Baron Seton Hall U
Chicago, U of Reagans, Ray Carnegie Mellon
Chicago, U of Sohn, Min-Woong Chicago, U of
Chicago, U of Sohrabi, Nader Iowa, U of
Chicago, U of Young, Alford Michigan, U of
Chicago, U of Zuckerman, Ezra Stanford U
Colorado S U Wikins-Wells, Patrica N Colorado, U of
Colorado, U of Behan, Pamela Arkansas S U
Colorado, U of Higginson, Joanna PacificLutheran
Columbia U Conley, Dalton Yale U
Cornell U Matthews, Rebecca Iowa, U of
CUNY Cutter, Jonathan Wesleyan U
CUNY Reimann, Renate Hamilton C
CUNY, GradCntr Franco, Joseph Pace, NYC
CUNY, GradCntr Simonds, Wendy Georgia S U
Delaware, U of Logio, Kim St Joseph’s
Duke U LeClerc, Patrice St Lawrence U
Emory U Brezina, Timothy Tulane U
Emory U Clay-Warner, Jody Georgia, U of
Florida S U Del Carmen, Alejandro Texas, Arlington
Florida S U Fobes, Catherine Alma C
Florida S U Hogan, Michael J N Colorado, U of
Florida S U Onwnndiwe, I Maryland EShore
Florida S U Stepnick, Andrea Tulsa, U of
Florida S U Street, Debra Purdue U
Florida, U of Bolton, Kenneth SE Louisiana U
Florida, U of Hogan, Tiffany Cntrl Connecticut
Florida, U of Weber, Janis Wiscnsn, StevPt
G Washington U Hasaballa, Aida Fairmont S C
Harvard U Glaeser, Andreas Chicago, U of
Illinois, Chicago Davis, Carol Loras C
Illinois, U of McKinley, Kathryn Wiscnsn, StevPt
Illinois, U of Timmermans, Stefan Brandeis U
Illinois, U of White, Kay Millikin U
Illinois, Urbana Tsoukalas, Theodore IndianaPurdu,FW
Indiana U Hunt, Matthew Northeastern U
Indiana U Price, Tanya Missouri, KansC
Indiana U Tinjc, Serra Alberta, U of-CAN
Indiana U of PA Giever, Dennis Indiana U of PA
Iowa S U Collins, Judith Michigan S U
Iowa S U Matthews, Lisa Texas A&M U
Iowa S U Nauta, Andre Trinity C
Iowa S U Stiemsma, Dawn Cntrl U Iowa
Iowa S U Tuken, Fethiye Franklin C
Iowa, U of Houser, Jeffrey Bowling Green S
Iowa, U of Petersen, Linda Teikyo Marycrest
Johns Hopkins Babones, Salvatore Texas, Arlington
Johns Hopkins Ermolaeva, Elena Shepard C
Johns Hopkins Heyman, Cory G Washington U
Johns Hopkins Kenton, Jeffrey Illinois, U of
Johns Hopkins Pozas, Maria Mexico, C de-
Kent S U Epstein, Jonathan S Indiana, U of
Kentucky, U of Turner, Howard Portland, U of
Kentucky, U of Verburg, John Georgetown C
Louisiana S U Maume, Michael Ohio U
Loyola, Chicago Prosterman, Annette Our Lady Lake
Mankato S U Roth, Gregory Iowa Wesleyan C
Maryland, U of Carver, Karen Penn S U
Maryland, U of Cotter, David Union C
Maryland, U of Hanbury, Barbara York C of PA
Maryland, U of Huang, Wilson Valdosta S C
Maryland, U of Kohlman, Marla Kenyon C
Maryland, U of Myers, David Indiana U of PA
Mass, U of Kerns-Zucco, R W New England
Michigan S U Dunkel, Reber Mary Washngtn C
Michigan S U Ennis-McMillan, M Skidmore C
Michigan S U Ferguson, Florence W Georgia, S U of
Michigan S U Wells, Barbara Maryville C
Michigan, U of Aseltine, Robert Boston U
Michigan, U of Haddad, Angela Cntrl Michigan
Michigan, U of Hasso, Frances Antioch U
Michigan, U of Peek, Charlie Florida, Gnsvl
Minnesota, U of Hager, Mark Indiana U of PA
Mississippi S U Toth, John W Virginia Wslyn
Missouri, Columbia Guess, Teresa Missouri, St L
N Carolina, ChpHl Kim, Hyojoung Washington, U of
N Carolina S U Bruce, marino Wiscnsn, Madsn
N Carolina, U of Faust, Kimberly Fitchburg S C
N Carolina, U of Mirchandani, Rekha Bucknell U
N Carolina, U of Powers, Edward Cntrl Arkansas
N Texas, U of Nation, Pat Mdl Tennessee
N Texas, U of Rowe, M Edward Wartburg C
Nebraska, Lncln Taylor, Frank Dana C
Nebraska, Omaha Langer, Carol Nebraska Wslyn
Nebraska, U of Cannon, Julie W Georgia, S U of
Nebraska, U of Spears, Jeffrey N Carolina, Wlm
Nevada, Las Vegas Delaney, Timothy Canisius C
Nevada, Las Vegas Taylor, Chris S Utah U
New Hampshire,Uof Ross, Susan Lycoming C
New Mexico, U of Robinson, William New Mexico S U
New School U Auyero, Javier SUNY, Stny Brk
New School U Goldstein, Warren St Lawrence C
New School U Kilker, Ernest SUNY, Oswego
New School U Lin, Jan Occidental C
New School U Linger, Eloise Dickinson C
New School U Sheller, Mimi Lancaster U-
New York U Penha-Lopes, Vania Bloomfield C
Northeastern U Quaye, Randolph Wooster, C of
Northwestern U Binder, Amy S California, U of
Northwestern U Frank, Jacquelyn Illinois S U
Northwestern U Hunt, Dennis S Mississippi, U of
Northwestern U Newsome, Yvonne Agnes Scott C
Northwestern U Pellow, David Colorado, Bldr
Northwestern U Stevens, Mitchell Hamilton C
Northwestern U Waite, Lori Trinity C
Notre Dame, U of Douglass, Lynn Franklin C
Ohio S U Poteet, Tanya Capital U
Penn S U Bohon, Stephanie Ohio U
Penn S U Brown, Susan Bowling Green S
Penn, U of Heuveline, Patrick Chicago, U of
Penn, U of Hughes, Mary Duke U
Penn, U of Phillips, Julie Rutgers, NBruns
Penn, U of Rosenholtz, Victoria Albright C
Penn, U of Watkins, Ralph Augusta S U
Pittsburgh, U of Claus, Lawrence Indiana U of PA
Princeton U Elo, Irma Penn, U of
Princeton U Evans, John Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Princeton U Garroutte, Eva Marie Boston C
Purdue U Stephens-Fleisher, Jill Loras C
Rutgers, NBruns Gonos, George SUNY, Potsdam
Rutgers, NBruns Tesar, Kathy Albert Einstein U
Rutgers U Gilbert, Kellen SE Louisiana U
Rutgers U Haynor, Anthony Seton Hall U
Rutgers U Maxwell, Christopher Michigan S U
Rutgers U Paparozzi, Mario New Jersey, C of
S California, U of Knudson-Martin, C Valdosta S C
S California, U of Tarver, Marsha Cal S, Fresno
S Carolina, U of Burkett, Tracy Charleston, C of
S Carolina, U of Zhang, Pidi Georgia Southern
S Dakota S U Edwards, Mark Colgate U
S Dakota S U Norman, Mark Winona S U
S Dakota, U of Leesh, Lisette Chadron S C
S Mississsippi, U of Cabana, Donald S Mississippi, U of
Sam Houston S U Frisbie, Jennifer Lamar U
Sam Houston S U Polk, Elmer Texas, Arlington
San Diego S U Ginwright, Shawn Santa Clara U
St Joseph’s U Lindenmuth, Paul King’s C
Stanford U Chang, Mariko Harvard U
Stanford U Davison, Jeanne American U
SUNY, Albany Baumer, Eric Missouri, St L
SUNY, Albany Dorne, Clifford Saginaw Valley S
SUNY, Albany Howard, Gregory W Michigan U
SUNY, Albany Mellow, Jeff Bloomfield C
SUNY, Albany Shepard, Robin Penn S U
SUNY, Bnghmtn Christensen, Bridget IndianaPurdu,FW
SUNY, Buffalo Erickson, Patricia Canisius C
SUNY, Buffalo Garcia, Venessa Elmira C
SUNY, Buffalo Sisti, Sharon Hilbert C
SUNY, Stny Brk Irvine, Leslie Colorado, Bldr
Syracuse U Hubbard, Amy Randolph-Macon
Syracuse U Maurer, Suzanne Utica C (Syracuse)
Temple U Grosfoguel, Ramon Boston C
Temple U Moore, Robert Frostburg S U
Tennessee, U of Bryant, Kevin W Florida, U of
Tennessee, U of Hays, Maureen Charleston, C of
Texas, Austin Citeroni, Tracy Mary Washngtn C
Texas, Austin Dellinger, Kirsten Mississippi, U of
Texas, Austin Hartman, Laura Averett C
Texas, Austin Liu, Jeng Na-hwa C-TAIW
Texas, Austin Perz, Stephen Illinois Tech
Texas, Austin Seibert, Therese Keene S C
Texas, Austin Torres, M Azcapotzalco-MEX
Texas, U of Terling, Toni Oklahoma, U of
Texas Women’s U Camp, James Thomas More C
Vanderbilt U Kern, Roger E Michigan U
Virginia Tech Muir, Kenneth Appalachian S
W Michigan U Ardovini-Brooker, J Sam Houston S
Washington S U Barnett, Lisa Coe C
Washington S U Broad, Kendal Florida, Gnsvl
Washington S U Payne, James Cal S, Stnslaus
Washington, U of Einwohner, Rachel Purdue U
Washington, U of Karp, David Skidmore C
Washington, U of Linneman, Thomas William & Mary
Washington, U of Pitchford, Susan Washington, U of
Washington, U of Steen, Sara Vanderbilt U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Abraham, Sara Colgate U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Biggert, Robert Assumption C
Wiscnsn, Madsn Birnbaum, Matthew Wiscnsn, Oshk
Wiscnsn, Madsn Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo Texas A&M U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Chandy, Joseph Cal S, Bakersfld
Wiscnsn, Madsn Hattery, Angela Wake Forest U
Wiscnsn, Madsn Warren, John Washington, U of
Wiscnsn, Madsn Yamane, David Notre Dame, U of
Wiscnsn, U of Bakken, Tim Cntrl Connecticut
Wiscnsn, U of Schurman, Rachel Illinois, Urbana
Wiscnsn, U of Smith, Howard Indiana U of PA
Wiscnsn, U of Sweeney, Megan Rutgers, NBruns
Wyoming, U of Walsh, Elizabeth Fitchburg S C
ASTRL-Astrln Ntl Adetunji, Jacob Bowling Green S
CAN-Alberta, U of Van Roosmalen, E Dalhousie U-CAN
CAN-Toronto MacMillan, Ian Ross Minnsota,TwnC
CAN-Victoria, U of Ravelli, Bruce Mt Royal C-CAN
UK-Cambridge Harney, Stefano CUNY, StatIsl
UK-Oxford U Barry, Brian Columbia U
UK-Reading U Mtika, Mike Alaska, Anchrg

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