JobTracks: Tenurings and Hirings to Tenure


Name Institution
Altamura, Mauro Jersey City S C
Andreotti, Libero Georgia Tech
Baik, Moon-He Louisville, U of
Barkey, Douglas Atlantic, C of the (NTG)
Beasecker, Peter S Methodist U
Beidler, Anne Agnes Scott C
Berding, Thomas Michigan S U
Black, Judith Wellesley C
Blackwell, Marlon Arkansas, Ftvl
Bonnamour-Lloyd, D Georgia Tech
Brands-Wallace, Lyn Cntrl Arkansas
Brueggenjohann, J Missouri, Clmb
Castriota, David Sarah Lawrence C
Charney, Edward Wartburg C
Chen, Phillip Drake U
Childs, Elizabeth Washington U
Clarke, R Bede Missouri, Clmb
Corrigan, Dennis Marywood C
Courtright, Nicola Amherst C
Crary, Jonathan Columbia U
Crockett, Dennis Whitman C
Dabb, Jean Ann Mary Washngtn C
Davis, Debra W Florida, U of
DeHoff, William Wiscnsn, Stout
DeLappe, Joseph Nevada, Reno
Dooling, Daniella Colgate U
Dunlap, Glenn Indiana S U
Dyck, Arthur Bethany C
Eastman, Charles Georgia Tech
Emmett, Steven Edinboro U
Ficek-Swenson, B Wiscnsn, RiverF
Forsberg, Suzanne St Francis C
Forst, Bill Sterling C [NTG]
Gaupp, Andrew Texas, Arlington
Granner, Courtney San Jose S U
Grassell, Mary Marshall U
Green, Rachel Armstrong S
Hawk, William Missouri, Clmb
Herman, Gregory S Arkansas, Ftvl
Hiratsuka, Yuji Oregon S U
Hollinshead, Mary RhodeIsland,Uof
Holton, Curlee Lafayette C
Hsu, Ginger Cal,Uof,Riverside
James, Kathleen Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Johnson, Carla Rae Marymount C
Johnson, Mark San Francisco S
Jones, Caroline Boston U
Jones, Elliot Old Dominion U
Kaulitz, Barry Alaska, Anchrg
Langhorne, Elizabeth Cntrl Connecticut
Licka, Charles Alaska, Anchrg
Lin, Cynthia S Methodist U
Mahorney, Robert Purdue U
Mallard, Michael Union U
Marks, Andrea Oregon S U
Martinez, Daniel Cal,Uof,Irvine
McCarthy, David Rhodes C
McCloskey, Barbara Pittsburgh, U of
Merback, Mitchell DePauw U
Minor II, James S Ball S U
Murch, Anna Mills C
Murray, Janice Mississippi, U of
Murray, Julia Wiscnsn, Madsn
Nichols, Charlotte Seton Hall U
Norman, Grace Longwood C
OîDell, Kathy Maryland, BaltCnty
Pagani, Catherine Alabama, U of
Paoletta, Don Nebraska Wslyn
Peponis, John Georgia Tech
Perry, Barbara SUNY, Oswego
Plante, Michael Tulane U
Plaut, Anthony Cornell College
Priest, Mark A Louisville, U of
Rhodes, Robin Notre Dame, U of
Rodiero, Jose M Jersey City S C
Ruby-Baird, Jan Shippensburg U
Sanders, Philip New Jersey, C of
Saucedo, Christopher New Orleans, Uof
Savage, Cort Davidson C
Savage, Kirk Pittsburgh, U of
Schellenberg, Lou E Elizabethtown C
Schlanger, Gregg Austin Peay S
Schwager, Michael Sonoma S U
Scotchie, Virginia S Carolina, Columb
Seaman, Bill Maryland, BaltCnty
Skolnik, Janet CUNY, Lehman
Softic, Tanja Rollins C
Stanley, Christopher Texas, Permian
Stone, Craig Cal S, LngBch
Stout, Candace Georgia, U of
Swallow, Joy Missouri, KansC
Tarter, Diane W Oregon U
Tate, Carolyn Texas Tech
Thomas, Joe Clarion U of PA
Van Dyk, Sandra Bloomfield C
Vazquez, Oscar SUNY, Bngmtn
Viscardi, Anthony Lehigh U
Vito, Kim Wright S U
Webb, Dixie Austin Peay S
Wickre, Bille Albion C
Willis, John Marlboro C [NTG]
Wood, Neva Cntrl Missouri S
Yatt, Barry Catholic U Amer
Yiengpurksawan, M Yale U
Zust, Mark Bowling Green S

hirings to tenure

Name Institution Previous Affiliation
Antliff, Mark Duke U Queens U-CAN
Brettell, Richard Texas, Dallas N/A
Brown, Ralph Georgia, U of E Carolina U
Eisenman, Stephen Northwestern U Occidental C
Erhard, Peter La Sierra U Andrews U
Haynes, Deborah Colorado, Bldr Washington S U
Hirshon, Stephen Shippensburg U N/A
Leighton, Patricia Duke U Queens U-CAN
Morris, Valerie Charleston, C of Michigan, U of
Murphy, Kevin CUNY GradCntr Virginia, U of
Sinclair, Brian R Ball S U Manitoba-CAN
Wahlman, Maude Missouri, KansC Yale U
Werfel, Gina Connecticut, U of N/A

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