JobTracks: Tenurings and Hirings to Tenure


Name Institution
Altshuler, Rosanne Rutgers, NBruns
Alvi, Eskander W Michigan U
Anderson, David Centre C
Ashby, David S Arkansas U
Bellamy, Scott S Arkansas U
Birnbaum, Dee Rhodes C
Boal, William Drake U
Bodenhorn, Howard Lafayette C
Brown, John Georgia Southern
Cambronero, Alfredo Fisk U
Carporale, Tony Ohio U
Chen, Aimin Indiana S U
Clark, Carol Trinity C
Creane, Anthony Michigan S U
Deb, Partha IndianaPurdu,Ind
Downes, Thomas Tufts U
Duncan, Kevin S Colorado, U of
Engelhardt, Gary Dartmouth C
Fields, Judith CUNY, Lehman
Geddes, Richard Fordham U
Gilsdorf, Keith Morningside C
Graham, Glenn SUNY, Oswego
Guell, Robert Indiana S U
Hall, Phillip St Ambrose U
Hanson, Gordon Texas, Austin
Hazlett, Denise Whitman C
Herrlinger, David Thomas More C
Higgens, Matthew W Michigan U
Hoff, Jeanne Bethany C
Hong, Yongmiao Cornell U
Ireland, Peter Rutgers, NBruns
Johnson, Colleen E Oregon S C
Kamdar, Nipoli Trinity U
Khalil, Fahad Washington, U of
Kitamura, Yuichi Minnsota,TwnC
Knetchel, Nancy Wiscnsn, Oshk
Knoedler, Janet Bucknell U
Konishi, Hideo S Methodist U
Kremer, Michael MIT
Lamdin, Douglas Maryland, BaltCnty
Lee, Christopher St Ambrose U
Levy, Daniel Emory U
Lotspeich, Richard Indiana S U
Lutz, Nancy Virginia Tech
Lynn, Bill St Ambrose U
McDaniel, Bruce N Colorado, U of
McGregor, Maureen Mt Royal C
Merlo, Antonio Minnsota,TwnC
Milberg, William New School U
Miller, John Carnegie Mellon
Mulligan, Casey Chicago, U of
Nachbar, John Washington U
Ng, Serena Boston C
Ohanian, Lee Minnsota,TwnC
Pal, Debashis Cincinnati, U of
Perotti, Roberto Columbia U
Plummer, Michael Brandeis U
Rathq, Kali Notre Dame, U of
Richardson, Craig Salem C
Rose, Margarita Kingîs C
Rouse, Cecelia Princeton U
Russell, Steven IndianaPurdu,Ind
Sage, Lewis Baldwin-Wallace
Shoemaker, Craig St Ambrose U
Stegner, Tesa Idaho S U
Tremblay, Carol Oregon S U
VanderVeen, Steven Calvin
Wang, Jin Wiscnsn, StevPt
Wen, James Trinity C
Winter, Harold Ohio U
Woodruff, Ted St Ambrose U

hirings to tenure

Name Institution Previous Affiliation
Ait-Sahalia, Yacine Princeton U Chicago, U of
Bai, Jushan Boston C Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Bollerslev, Tim Duke U Virginia, U of
Boulton, Patrick Princeton U Tilburg-NETH
Chakravorty, Ujjayant Emory U Hawaii, U of
Corbae, Dean Pittsburgh, U of Iowa, U of
Debaere, Peter Texas, Austin N/A
Epstein, Larry Rochester, U of Toronto-CAN
Fare, Rolf Oregon S U S Illinois U
Foley, Duncan New School U Columbia U
Gan, Li Texas, Austin N/A
Grosskopf, Shawna Oregon S U S Illinois U
Hansen, Bruce Wiscnsn, Madsn N/A
Hess, Gregory Oberlin C N/A
Ireland, Peter Boston C Chicago, U of
Jordan, James Penn S U Minnesota, U of
Keane, Michael New York U Minnesota, U of
Keller, Wolfgang Texas, Austin N/A
Kocherlakota, N Minnsota,TwnC Fed Res Bank
LaCasse, Chantale Alberta, U of Ottowa, U of-CAN
Lewbel, Arthur Boston C MIT
Lipman, Barton Wiscnsn, Madsn N/A
Melick, William Kenyon C N/A
Merlo, Antonio New York U Minnesota, U of
Morris, Stephen Yale U N/A
Neal, Derek Wiscnsn, Madsn N/A
Plourde, Andre Alberta, U of Ottowa, U of-CAN
Prescott, Edward Chicago, U of Minnesota, U of
Ridder, Geert Johns Hopkins Free U-NETH
Shiue, Carol Texas, Austin N/A
Sleet, Christopher Texas, Austin N/A
Staiger, Douglas Dartmouth C MIT
Steinacker, Annette Claremont Grad Miami, U of
Sutch, Richard Cal,Uof,Riverside Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Trejo, Stephen Texas, Austin N/A
Udry, Christopher Yale U N/A
Whinston, Michael Northwestern U Harvard U
Wilhelm, Mark IndianaPurdu,Ind New York U
Wilson, John Michigan S U N/A

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