JobTracks: Tenurings and Hirings to Tenure


Name Institution
Adler, Frank Macalester C
Allende, Juan Agnes Scott C
Anderson, Sean Idaho S U
Baglione, Lisa St Joseph’s
Banaszak, Lee Ann Penn S U
Bank, Richard Santa Fe, C of
Barnett, Michael Wiscnsn, Madsn
Boarnet, Marlon Cal,Uof,Irvine
Boling, Patricia Purdue U
Borrelli, Maryanne Connecticut C
Brand, Donald Holy Cross, C of
Bressler, Michael Furman U
Brumbaugh, C Elon C
Bunck, Julie M Louisville, U of
Busch, Andrew Denver, U of
Cameron, Charles Columbia U
Carter, Colette S Colorado, U of
Clarke, Randolph Georgia, U of
Cox, Gray Atlantic, C of the(NTG)
Crepaz, Markus Georgia, U of
Dandavati, Annie Hope C
Davenport, Christian Colorado, Bldr
Davis, Darren Michigan S U
Dawes, Roy Gettysburg C
Deeg, Richard Temple U
Dion, George D Purdue U
Duke-Whitaker, Lois Georgia Southern
Eisenberg, Avigail Br Columbia
Feaver, Peter Duke U
Ferguson, Florence Georgia Southern
Fish, Michael Cal,Uof,Berkeley
Fox, Kim Shippensburg U
Furlong, Scott Wiscnsn, GrnB
Gibson, Edward Northwestern U
Gilmour, John William & Mary
Gossett, Charles Georgia Southern
Greene, Jeffrey Montana, U of
Griffin, Clifford N Carolina S U
Haney, Patrick Miami U, Oxford
Hanson, Stephen Washington, U of
Harris, Michael E Michigan U
Hey, Jeanne Miami U, Oxford
Hill, Jeffrey NEastern Illinois
Hunter, Wendy Vanderbilt U
Johnson, James Rochester, U of
Jones, Charlie Capital U
Karp, Regina Old Dominion U
Kaufmann, Chaim Lehigh U
Kinney, Rhonda E Michigan U
Kirkey, Christopher Bridgewater S
Klausen, Jytte Brandeis U
Kohno, Massaru Br Columbia
Kopstein, Jeff Colorado, Bldr
Kubik, Jan Rutgers, NBruns
Liberman, Peter Tulane U
LiCalzi, Jasper Albertson C
Little, Thomas Texas, Arlington
Londregan, John B Cal,Uof,LosAngeles
Lottie, Adrian E Michgan U
Lowi, Miriam New Jersey, C of
Malysa, Lani Cntrl Arkansas
Manning, Stephen Detroit Mercy
Marx, Anthony Columbia U
Massoud, Tansa Bucknell U
Mattei, Franco SUNY, Buffalo
Mayer, William Northeastern U
Mayerfield, Jason Washington, U of
Mercer, Jonathan Washington, U of
Milly, Deborah Virginia Tech
Misra, Kalpana Tulsa, U of
Moore, Michael Texas, Arlington
Moore, Wayne Virginia Tech
Mufti, Malik Tufts U
Murphy, James Dartmouth C
Passe-Smith, John Cntrl Arkansas
Peterson, Susan William & Mary
Ramsay, Meredith Mass, Boston
Ransom, John Dickinson C
Richards, Diana Minnsota,TwnC
Richardson, Jo Louisiana Tech
Richter, Michael CUNY, StatIsl
Ritter, Gretchen Texas, Austin
Rohrschneider, R Indiana, Blmngtn
Royed, Terry Alabama, U of
Rummel, Lynette Marlboro C [NTG]
Samuels, Suzanne Seton Hall U
Sanders, Robert W Georgia, S U of
Scherlen, Renee Appalachian S
Scheuerman, William Pittsburgh, U of
Sennick, Marianne St Francis C
Shipan, Charles Iowa, U of
Simhony, Avital Arizona S U
Skerry, Peter ClaremntMcKenna
Smiley, Marion Wiscnsn, Madsn
Sondrol, Paul Colorado, ClSpr
Stathis, G Michael S Utah U
Struening, Karen Kalamazoo C
Sullivan, Vickie Tufts U
Sun, Yan CUNY, Queens
Swain, John Alabama, U of
Thomas, Kenneth Missouri, St L
Tlou, Lehlohonolo Longwood C
Travis, Rickey L Mississippi S
Weeks, Kathi Fairfield U
Williams, Lori Mt Royal C
Williams, Robert Pepperdine U
Willis, Clyde Valdosta S C
Wood, Gwendolyn Augusta S U
Wudel, Darcy Averett C

hirings to tenure

Name Institution Previous Affiliation
Ball, Terence Arizona S U Minnesota, U of
Baumgartner, Frank Penn S U Texas A&M U
Campbell, James SUNY, Buffalo Louisiana S U
Casper, Gretchen Penn S U Texas A&M U
Christensen, Thomas MIT Cornell U
Downs, George New York U Princeton U
Hsieh, John S Carolina, Clmb Chengchi-CHINA
Huber, John Columbia U Michigan, U of
Kessler, Alan Texas, Austin N/A
Kelley, Christopher Boston C Toronto-CAN
Knight, Andy Alberta, U of Bishop’s U-CAN
Lichbach, Mark Cal,Uof,Riverside Colorado, Bldr
Lynch, Ceceua Cal,Uof,Irvine Northwestern U
Murphy, Bruce Lafayette C Penn S U
O'Brien, Sharon Kansas, U of Notre Dame, U of
Reed, Adolph New School U Northwestern U
Rhodebeck, Laurie A Louisville, U of Oberlin C
Vogel, Steven Cal,Uof,Berkeley Harvard U
Weiss, Thomas CUNY GradCntr Brown U
Zerilli, Linda Northwestern U Rutgers U
Zuckert, Catherine Notre Dame, U of Carleton C
Zuckert, Michael Notre Dame, U of Carleton C

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