JobTracks: Tenurings and Hirings to Tenure


Name Institution
Abe, Ryuichi Columbia U
Afzal, Cameron Sarah Lawrence C
Amin Razavi, Mehdi Mary Washngtn C
Bailly, Constantina Eckerd C
Ben-Or, Ehud Dartmouth C
Bowlin, John Tulsa, U of
Britt, Samuel Furman U
Cadorette, Curt Rochester, U of
Cho, Francisca Georgetown U
Connors, Russell St Catherine C
Corley, Kathleen Wiscnsn, Oshk
Cornell, Vincent Duke U
Dallavalle, Nancy Fairfield U
Danove, Paul Villanova U
Davis, Scott Richmond, U of
Davis, Thomas IndianaPurdu,Ind
Deming, Willoughby Portland, U of
Duntley, Madeline Wooster, C of
Flueckiger, Joyce Emory U
Galbraith, Elizabeth Coe C
Holms, Paul Seton Hall U
Jefferies, William Brighm Yng, HI
Johns, Loren Bluffton C
Jordon, Shirley St Thomas, U of
Keen, Ralph Iowa, U of
Kirkland, James Georgia, U of
Kleeman, Terry William & Mary
Krassen, Miles Oberlin C
Landry, David St Thomas, U of
Levitt, Laura Temple U
Leyerle, Blake Notre Dame, U of
Makransky, John Boston C
Martos, Joseph Spalding U
McCarron, Sr, Mary P Notre Dame, C of
Moroney, Stephen K Malone C
Munir, Fareed Siena C
Nystrom, Bradley Cal S, Scrmnto
Parr, Christopher Webster U [NTG]
Patton, Laurie Emory U
Peskowitz, Miriam B Florida, Gnsvl
Peterson, Anna Florida, Gnsvl
Pflueger, Lloyd Truman S U
Plantinga, Richard Calvin C
Pomykala, Ken Calvin C
Shaw, Miranda Richmond, U of
Slater, Thomas Georgia, U of
Stratton, Beverly Augsburg C
Tibbetts, Joel Rockford C
Walters, Jonathan Whitman C
Watts, James Hastings C
Widdicombe, Peter McMaster
Wilson, Elizabeth Miami U, Oxford

hirings to tenure

Name Institution Previous Affiliation
Armour, Ellen Rhodes C N/A
Aune, David Notre Dame, U of Loyola U
Heschell, Susannah Dartmouth C Penn, U of
Mann, Gurinder Cal,Uof,StBarbara Columbia U
Martin, Clarice Colgate U Colgate-Rochester Div
Meier, John Notre Dame, U of Catholic U
Norbert, Samuelson Arizona S U Temple U

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