Hiring and Tenuring Survey
What is Hirings & Tenurings?
The Hirings & Tenurings section of
Lingua Franca
is the only national listing of recent faculty hirings and tenurings in the liberal arts and sciences at more than 500 4-year colleges and universities around the country. Last year more than 6,000 hirings and tenurings were announced in Hirings & Tenurings.
We list three kinds of hirings and tenurings:
Junior hirings
: individuals whom an institution hired for the first time to a full-time junior position, and the school where those individuals got their most advanced graduate training;
of individuals who previously held untenured positions at the same institution;
Hirings to tenure
: hirings to a position with tenure of those individuals coming from another instititution. (We do not list hirings to senior positions that are still probationary, e.g., to associate professor without tenure.)
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