 | November 1999 |
Assistant Professor of Comparative American Cultures
The Department of Comparative American Cultures invites applications and
nominations for a tenure-track assistant professorship for comparativists
specializing in one or, preferably a combination of,the following
areas:critical race theory, civil rights and law, sovereignty issues,
immigration and citizenship policies, urban and diaspora studies, the
impact of globalization on U.S. race and ethnic relations, political
economy of race/ethnic relations, theories and practices of nationalism,
Caribbean Studies, labor economics and ethnicity. The appointees will be
responsible for teaching core, service, and advanced courses in the
Candidates must have a Ph.d. or equivalent in one of the disciplines in
the humanities and social sciences. Duties commence August 2000.
applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Completed
applications must be received by January 1,2000. To apply, please send a
cover letter, curriculum vitae, reprints or writing samples, and three
letters of recommendation to: Search Committee chair, Department of
Comparative American Cultures, Wilson Hall 111, Washington State
University, Pullman, WA 99164-4010. Washington State University is an
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action educator and employer
Morehouse College, Purdue University Calumet, and Bermuda College present the 2nd International Conference on Caribbean Literature. This conference brings together hundreds of scholars from around the globe to focus attention on Caribbean culture. Papers will relate to three major areas of Caribbean LiteratureAnglophone, Francophone, and Hispanic. Although English will be the official language for this year¹s conference, papers will be presented in all three languages. The conference features several special events: A pre-conference Caribbean film festival, a forum of Bermudain writers reading from their own works, a book fair, an exhibition of Bermudian visual art, and an evening of Bermudian performance art. Possible speakers include: Ian Carew, Edwidge Danticat, Carol Marsh-Lockett, and Maryse Condé. For informatiion about travel, registration, and hotel accommodations, please contact: Melvin Rahming, Co-Director, Morehouse College, Dept. of English & Linguistics, 830 Westview Dr., S.W. Atlanta, GA 30314; T: (404) 681-2800 x2512; F: (404) 614-8545; email: ; or Jorge Roman-Lagunas, Co-Director, Purdue University Calumet, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, 2200 169th Street, Hammond, IN 46323; T: (219) 989-2165; F: (219) 989-2750; email: roman@calumet.purdue.edu
Paget, Bermuda: November 35, 1999
The National Association of Gender Diversity Training (NAGDT) invites business professionals, academia, and consultants to attend the Sixth Annual Conference, "Connecting Gender & Culture" November 35 and the "Professional Advanced Gender Diversity Development Certificate Program" November 13. Participants will have the opportunity to attend interactive/participatory programs facilitated by leaders in the field on gender issues in the workplace. Topics will include: "Higher Education in Transition: Do We Practice What We Teach on Gender Equity in the Workplace," "Men¹s Roles as Allies Working as Partners with Women," "Gender Issues and Hispanic Culture," "Gender Behind the Badge," "Improving Facilitation Presentation Skills. . .as a coach, professor, trainer," "Gender & Culture Between Generations. . .," " Current Research & Findings on Gender Victimization in Adolescence. . .," and "Inspired Leadership: Finding the Wisdom of Women and Men." For a complete brochure contact: T: (480) 473-0426; F: (480) 473-0437; email: <info@gendertraining.com>; Web site: www.gendertraining.com
Scottsdale, AZ: November15, 1999
John F. Kennedy saying, "Ich bin ein Berliner" and the opening of the Berlin Wall have powerfully represented German division and reunification especially in the U.S. But what image of Germany can replace them in the year 2000? And what image do East and West Germans have of each other after ten years? The DEFA Film Library at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with co-sponsors in the Five Colleges and from Germany, present an international conference on the tenth anniversary of the mass demonstrations in Berlin of 4 November 1989, one of the largest pro-democracy demonstrations in German history. Interdisciplinary academic discussions will be complemented by the video premiere of The Fall of the Wall: The Path to German Reunification (released by ICESTORM International) and a film series launched at the Northampton Film Festival (with a North American tour to follow): "Berlin, Divided Heaven: From the Ice Age to the Thaw." For information contact: DEFA Film Library, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Herter Hall, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003. T: (413) 545-6681, F: (413) 545-6995, email: defa@german. umass.edu; Web site: www.umass.edu/defa.
Northampton, MA: November 4-6, 1999
"Food and Drink in Consumer Societies" is the theme of a conference at the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware on November 12 and 13, 1999. Sixteen papers will discuss consumption practices in 10 countries across four continents. Speakers include Sidney Mintz, Richard Wilk, Donna Gabaccia, and Bengt Ankarloo. Subjects covered include wine and French identity, nationalism and Belizean cuisine, contemporary Japanese food preferences, changing rural Mexican consumption practices, and the American "invention" of mass produced baby food. Other papers will assess the folklore of donuts in Canada, reception of canned goods in France, and marketing of guacamole in the United States. One panel will focus on the politics of food distribution in interwar Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. For more information contact the Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society, Hagley Museum and Library, PO Box 3630, Wilmington, DE 19807; T: (302) 658-2400 ext. 243; email: <crl@udel.edu>
Wilmington, DE: November 1213, 1999
The Problem of Evil
The 10th Annual Conference of the University of California, Riverside
Philosophy Department presents
"The Problem of Evil," an interdisciplinary exploraton of the problem of
evil. Included will be philosophical, theological, cinematic, and literary
treatments of the issues. Presenters will include David Brandes, Harry
Frankfurt, Princeton University; Jack Miles, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena; John Perry, Stanford University; Mike Ravizza;
Eleonore Stump, St. Louis University; Micheal Tooley University of
Colorado; Howard Wettstein, University of California, Riverside; Nicholas
Wolterstorff, Yale Divinity School. Jack Miles is the author of the
Pulitzer Prize winning book, GOD: A BIOGRAPHY. For conference information,
please contact Howard.Wettstein@ucr.edu or John.Fischer@ucr.edu or check
the conference web page at:
Riverside, CA: February 6-7, 2000
Call for papers for an interdisciplinary conference at Emory University on psychoanalytic perspectives on women in relationships, groups and hierarchies. Psychoanalysis, a discipline critical in exploring the themes of power and gender, is beginning to address the more difficult theoretical and conceptual issues at stake in the investigation of women and social dynamics. This international symposium is the first in a series of conferences sponsored by the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis in North America. We encourage a wide range of scholarly and clinical submissions in order to foster
dialogue among various disciplines. Besides invited speakers and small discussion groups, the conference will consist of volunteered presentations, panels, paper sessions, and posters. Submit abstract of 250 words with title for paper/poster to: Women and Power, Emory University School of Medicine, CME Dept., 1462 Clifton Road, NE, Ste. 276, Atlanta, GA, 30322, USA. Deadline for submission is November 15, 1999.For registration information, email <rjordan@emory.edu>; web site:
Atlanta, GA: February 2527, 2000
The Program in Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina announces a conference, "History, Technology, and Identity: After Foucault," March 1618, 2000. Directed by Martin Donougho and Paul Allen Miller, this meeting is a follow-up to the two-year international conference "Cultural History after Foucault," held in 1997 and 1998 at the universities of Amsterdam and Aberdeen. Plenaries speakers will include Thomas Flynn (Emory), David Konstan (Brown), John Neubaur (Amsterdam), G.S. Rousseau (De Montfort and Oxford), and Jerald Wallulis (South Carolina). We seek to examine both the limits and contributions of Foucault¹s thought in the three interrelated topics of history, technology, and identity. Send inquiries and one-page abstracts for 20-minute papers to Paul Allen Miller, Program in Comparative Literature, Welsh Hall, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208; T: (803) 777-0473; email: <pamiller@sc.edu.> Selected papers will be published in the journal Intertexts. Abstracts must be received by December 1, 1999. For updated information, visit our Web site: http://www.cla.sc.edu/COMP/2ndannualc.html
Columbia, SC: March 16-18, 2000
The University of Texas at Arlington¹s Department of English announces "The Female Principle, Eclipses and Re-Emergences: A Conference on the Forms Taken by the Suppression of Femaleness in Human Cultures." This conference recognizes the suppression of femaleness as a primary meaning of Western and other cultures over a long period, and presents this issue for further scrutiny. It seeks to identify, document, and account for this suppression via the forms it takesmany still concealed, clandestine, underexploredand their counterforms, from early periods to the present; to describe the suppressed; to explore exceptions that elude suppression; and to identify developing practices that counter it. Keynotes: Martha Nussbaum, March 30; Drucilla Cronell, March 31; Eva Keuls and Nancy Tuana, April 1. Proposals from all disciplines are invited by November 20, l999. Preliminary statement of intent requested. For further information, please see Web site: www.uta.edu/english/hermann/2000; or contact Luanne Frank via email at <LFrank@uta.edu> or T: (817) 272-2692 and (817) 478-7794; or write The Female Principle, Box 19035, UTA, Arlington, TX 760l9
Arlington, TX: March 30-April 1, 2000
The Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia will be hosting three one-day conferences focused around the question, What's the University For?, in the spring of 2000. The three conferences"The Culture of the University" (March 2), "Public and University Intellectuals" (March 30), and "The Moral Purposes of the University" (April 13)will address the changes taking place in higher education and its relation to American culture, intellectual life inside and outside the academy, and the culture and politics of university life. Each conference will include presentations by three leading scholars from the humanities and social sciences, a panel discussion, question and answer period, and reception. Speakers include Richard Rorty (Stanford), Russell Jacoby (UCLA), Julie Reuben (Harvard), George Marsden (Notre Dame), Gerald Graff (Chicago), Mark Edmundson (Virginia), and T. J. Jackson Lears (Rutgers). For more information, please contact Jennifer Geddes or Leslie Gunning at T: (804) 924-7705; email: <iasc@virginia.edu>; or Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, B-5 Garrett Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
Charlottesville, VA: March 2, March 30, and April 13, 2000
The Hofstra Cultural Center presents "Oscar Wilde: The Man, His Writings, and
His World: Celebrating the Oscar Wilde Centenary." During his life, Wilde was a
dramatist, poet, novelist, critic, aesthete, raconteur, family man, homosexual,
convict, and exile. On the centennial of his death, this conference will explore
the world of the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde. Suggested topics for papers
include: Ireland, parentage, education; Travels: America, France...; Sexual
Orientation; Last years; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Lawsuits, trials,
imprisonment. Other topics will also be considered. Presentations will be limited
to 20 minutes. A one- or two-page summary of proposed paper and a CV are
requested by May 1, 1999. A final paper and one-page abstract are required by
September 1, 1999. Papers must be submitted in hard copy and on computer diskette
(WordPerfect 6.0 preferred). Previously published material should not be
submitted. Submit to Conference Director Dr. Robert N. Keane, English Department,
107 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1070. T: (516) 463-5472; F: (516)
463-6395; email: engrnk@hofstra.edu; Conference Coordinators Deborah Lom and
Richard Pioreck, Hofstra Cultural Center, 200 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
11549-2000, T: (516) 463-5669; F: (516) 463-4793; email: <hofculctr@hofstra.edu>
Hempstead, NY: April 27-29, 2000
"The Thatcher Years: The Rebirth of Liberty?" presented by Hofstra University
and The University of Buckingham. A prospectus or letter of intent is required
by September 1, 1999; two copies of completed papers are required by November 1, 1999.
Papers must be submitted in hard copy and computer disk (Wordperfect 6.0 or Rich
Text Files preferred). Previously published material should not be submitted;
selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Conference
co-directors: Dr. Bernard J. Firestone, Dean, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts
and Science, Hofstra University; and Professor Robert Taylor, Vice-Chancellor,
The University of Buckingham. For papers in the USA contact: Dr. Stanislao G.
Pugliese, Department of History, Heger Hall, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
11549, T: 516-463-5611, F: (516) 463-2201, email hissgp@hofstra.edu For papers
to be presented in England contact: Dr. John Clarke, Director, Centre for
International Studies, The University of Buckigham, Buckingham, MK 18 1EG UK, T:
01280.820294, F: 01280.822245, int'l. T:+441280.814080,
Web site: www.hofstra.edu/thatcher
Hempstead, NY: March 27-28, 2000 and Buckingham, England: April 3-4, 2000
If you would like to submit a conference ad or you would like more information on submitting your conference, please proceed to the Conference Form