Tools (Coming Soon)
Starting points for the aspiring author, tools for publishing your work yourself, and resources for republishing out-of-print books
Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ)
Links to sites of member publications with web presences at
Association of American University Presses
A cooperative organization of university presses; their site provides links to member presses' web sites and catalog information at
Inside Publishing
Stories from the academic publishing world, indexed by book discussed. (coming soon) Read the current Inside Publishing feature
Breakthrough Books
An archive of LinguaFranca's classic column.
Also: Visit our special Web-only Breakthrough Books columns available at
Desert Island Books
Learn what you most need to know about most every topic from our regular Barnes & Noble column.
Dissertations Deconstructed
Our monthly dissertation feature for Contentville brings to light the paper trail left by the good and the great, the famous and the infamous.
Coming Soon
The Literary Marketplace: Bringing our readers buying choices.
University Business Book Reviews
Reviews of books about what makes higher education work, from our sister publication University Business Magazine. (coming soon)