Volume 10, No. 9December 2000/January 2001
December/January Issue
FIELD NOTES Borrowed time/ Brand new world/ The globalization tax/ and more
INSIDE PUBLISHING Journal jousting/ Star-spangled mastodon/ Nobel nastiness
BREAKTHROUGH BOOKS The History of Reading
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt travels to multiple universes.
Pet Theory If schizophrenia is not the product of faulty genes or faulty parents, what is it? E. Fuller Torrey smells a cat. BY STEPHEN MIHM
The Quest for Uncertainty Richard Rorty can't handle the truth. Or rather, he has renounced its philosophical pursuit. Can he reconcile his metaphysical skepticism with his progressive politics? BY JAMES RYERSON
The Lost Emperors Who is buried in Japan's imperial tombs? Thanks to the Imperial Household Agency, there's no way to know. BY ALISSA QUART
The lexicographer's Apprentice An expert in American slang flies to Oxford for a crash course in compiling the OED"the oracle," as he puts it, "of an entire language." BY JESSE SHEIDLOWER