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February 2001 - Volume 11, No. 1

Who Got Hired Where. Tenurings and hirings to tenure, sorted by discipline. Junior hirings, sorted by discipline and graduate training.

Lingua Franca's readers weigh in on the
mirror problem: Why do mirrors reverse left and right but not up and
Upcoming Conferences
FIELD NOTES Dissertation cam/ Y'all American/Dixie spat/and more
INSIDE PUBLISHING The importance of being Ernst/ New Left renewed/Teletype tales/and more
BREAKTHROUGH BOOKS The History of Television
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt counts to a googolplex.
The Ex-Cons During the Cold War, they cavorted with Thatcher and Reagan. Today they inveigh against the ravages of the free market. John Gray and Edward Luttwak defect to the left. BY COREY ROBIN
The Born-Again Bible For the most part, evangelical biblical scholars take the Dead Sea Scrolls as a godsend. But what if the scrolls suggest the Bible isn't what they think it is? BY JEREMY LOTT
The Man With N-Ray Eyes In 1903 René Blondlot discovered a form of radiation so elusive that he could see it only from the corner of his eye. Was it a scientific breakthrough, or just a trick of the light? BY PAUL COLLINS
Union & Disunion Graduate students complain that universities use them as cheap labor. Now they've won the right to unionize. Will higher education ever be the same? Lingua Franca holds a symposium.
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