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April 2001 - Volume 11, No. 3


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FIELD NOTES Picket line of scrimmage/Credits at Christie's/ A Wolfe in Marxist clothing/and more
INSIDE PUBLISHING Styron meets Genovese/ Joe McCarthy's metaphysics/Toga talk/The postman always brings vice, and more
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt on the virtues of self-delusion.
It Takes a Village Healer Medical anthropologists suggest an unlikely remedy for Africa's staggering AIDS crisis. Can herbalists and diviner-mediums succeed where Western doctors have failed? BY MATTHEW STEINGLASS
Hurrican Hugo University of Chicago president Hugo Sonnenschein insisted on making the Great Books accountable to the bottom line. Was he a sellout or a savior? BY DAVID L. KIRP
Status Anxiety in San Juan
Viva las postmodernistas! The newest advocates of Puerto Rican statehood read Foucault and hail from the radical left. Don't talk to them about the purity of island culture. BY CHRIS MOONEY
Bouncing off the Walls Designing a concert hall is no mean feat. But does that make it a science? Acoustics is nothing so exact, say the skeptics. BY PAUL MITCHINSON
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