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May/June 2001 - Volume 11, No. 4


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FIELD NOTES H.G. Wells's uncredited muse?/Teutonic ed/Lectures and laptops/Is Orientalism good for the Jews?, and more
INSIDE PUBLISHING Toronto hideaway/Allen Smithee, auteur/Over the borderline/The Pilling of America
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt on wishing you had never been born.
Marxist literary Critics Are Following Me! Science fiction guru Philip K. Dick became a hero to radical literary theorists. But he thought those theorists were communist conspirators. So he contacted the FBI. BY JEET HEER
The Voucher Vortex Is school choice good for education? Researchers ought to knowbut a whirlwind of uncertainty has upended their studies and thrown their motives into doubt. BY DAVID GLENN
The Infidelity Instinct
Sociobiologist David Barash and psychiatrist Judith Lipton are happily married. So why does their new book claim to debunk the myth of monogamy? BY STEPHEN MIHM
The Convictions of Antonio Negri The hottest new work of radical political theory was written in prison. Antonio Negri defends his controversial past and anticipates the revolt of the cyber-proletariat. BY RACHEL DONADIO
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