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July/August 2001 - Volume 11, No. 5


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FIELD NOTES Pigs in Poland/Confrontation in Cambridge/You've got to admit, he's getting vetted, and more
INSIDE PUBLISHING Bourdieu's boxer/Karl Kraus's Vienna/The good censor, and more
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt on sex competition in the womb.
The Mystery of the Millionaire Metaphysician A highly secretive author has paid scholars more than a hundred thousand dollars to review a treatise on the purpose of existence. Who is behind this, and why? A philosophical investigation. BY JAMES RYERSON
Settling Scores He calls Stravinsky a liar. He denounces his opponents as "idiotic." He plays a mean viola da gamba. Musicologist Richard Taruskin marches to the beat of his own drum. BY PAUL MITCHINSON
Gender Trouble
Feminist superstars, post-Soviet politics, and loads of George Soros's money. What could go wrong? Central European University found out the hard way. BY LAURA SECOR
Passions of a Prussian Immanuel Kant: good philosopher, bad bacchanalian. According to legend, Kant was as dull and plodding as his prose. A new biography sets the record straight. BY JONATHAN RÉE
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