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"It's about time we had a guide book written by somebody
who really knows the culture of graduate school from the inside."
Gerald Graff (Dean, University of Illinois at Chicago)

Preview The 2001-2002 Humanities Edition

Preview The 2001-2002 Social Sciences Edition
Based on hundreds of interviews with graduate students, professors, and administrators at universities across the country, Lingua Franca's Real Guide to Grad School is the only reference work that maps the intellectual issues and practical choices that await you in graduate school. With chapters on twenty-seven disicplines from archaeology to women's studies, Lingua Franca's Real Guide has readers exclaiming:
"The Real Guide is easily the best guide to higher education ever written."
The University of ChicagoFree Press
Now significantly revised and updated, the second edition of Lingua Franca's Real Guide has added chapters on emerging fields like ethnic studies, cognitive science, museum studies, and performance studies, as well as on the contentious place of teaching in grad student life and how to make sense out of all those university rankings. Inside you'll find:
Who Studies It?
profiles of current students and descriptions of their projects
sample chapter
Why Study It?
reasons why you shouldor maybe
shouldn'tstudy each discipline
sample chapter
How Has It Taken Shape?
the history of the discipline, including the disputes and debates that have helped to form it in the present day
sample chapter
What's Your Next Step?
inside data on the strongest programs
and the biggest names in the field,
including lesser-known schools and
professors with particular strengths
sample chapter
Are There Jobs Out There?
an up-to-date assessment of the job market in each discipline, for work both inside and outside academia
sample chapter
professional associations, seminal books, respected journals and helpful Web sites
sample chapter
Find out why faculty are saying:
"Grad school is an intellectual and
emotional mosh pit; without Lingua Franca's Real Guide,
you're going to get a metaphorical
Doc Marten planted on your skull."Corey Brennan
(classics professor,
Rutgers University)
and reviewers are raving:
"...steps beyond the bounds of most
references guides in offering the reader
practical advice on the everyday life of
graduate school. Recommended."Library Journal
Read what other readers have said about it,
Find Out For Yourself
Click here to read the table of contents, introduction and a sample chapter
Click here to order Lingua Franca's Real Guide to Grad School
Get the full story: all of Lingua Franca, delivered right to your door, at a special price.
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