Volume 10, No. 7 - October 2000
HYPOTHESES Jim Holt matches the punishment to the crime.
Tenth Anniversary Issue
YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS... Our unofficial history of academia in the 1990's. BY THE EDITORS
INSIDE PUBLISHING Sellout / Hoaxspottong / The two loves of Marie d'Agoult
FIELD NOTES Sartre's Jewish question / Woe in Poeville/ Lynne Cheney's pomo past / Our readers pick the best books of the 90's / and more.
THE COLOR TEST Is the justice system doing more harm to black suspects or black victims? David Cole and Randall Kennedy debate. BY EYAL PRESS
BONOBOS IN PARADISE Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you living in a primate sextopia? Scientists wonder if bonobos are the worldıs sexiest apesor just killing time in the zoo. BY HELEN EPSTEIN
BIO HAZARD If you write a biography of Gore Vidal, you get to know him well. You learn to appreciate, for example, his talent for a literary spat. With you. BY FRED KAPLAN
WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Military sociologist Charles Moskos may have coined ³donıt ask, donıt tell,² but even he canıt explain why openly gay soldiers are a threat to unit cohesion. BY NATHANIEL FRANK