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1990 - 1991 - 1992 -
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1999 - 2000
Giant superstores stock their shelves - producing an unlikely windfall for academic and small presses. The superstore boom portends a revolution in scholarly publishing. But by 1997, the boom appears to go bust: Superstores flood small publishers with returns of unsold merchandise.
After a bitter three-year battle, Leonard Jeffries Jr. resigns as chairman of the black studies department at City College of New York. Jeffries's troubles began with a 1991 speech in which he asserted that "rich Jews" played a leading role in financing the slave trade; City University of New York stripped him of his chairmanship in 1992, prompting Jeffries to sue the school. In 1993, a federal jury found that CUNY had violated Jeffries's free speech rights, and a federal judge reinstated his chairmanship. But CUNY successfully appeals the decision.
University of Mississippi announces yearly Elvis conference
to follow its yearly Faulkner conference
After one week, Shannon Faulkner withdraws as a cadet at The Citadel, citing stress and a hostile environment
Iowa economist Donald McCloskey begins taking female hormones and changes name to Deirdre
LF reports that Jim Henson's inspiration for Kermit the Frog was his childhood playmate, Kermit Scott - now a
philosophy professor at Purdue
Emeritus Princeton
historian Bernard Lewis is fined one franc by French court after he questions whether Turkish massacres of Armenians
Harvard Law's Alan Dershowitz offers Penthouse
subscription to Harvard's Widener Library; he is a Penthouse columnist at the time
Moose shot on campus of
University of Alaska at Anchorage
after it tramples
a man to death
and frightens
a psychology
Elzbieta Ettinger, Hannah Arendt/Martin Heidegger
Harvey Klehr, et al., The Secret World of American Communism
Benjamin Barber, Jihad vs. McWorld
Association of Literary Critics and Scholars, a.k.a. the anti-MLA, holds first conference
Harvard French
professor Alice Jardine wins libel suit against Le Figaro after reporter assails her
In a letter to the New York Times, the Unabomber explains his position: He has nothing against humanities professors, only scientists. "All the university people whom we have attacked have been specialists in technical fields," the famous fugitive writes. "We would not want anyone to think that we have any desire to hurt professors who study archaeology, history, literature, or harmless stuff like that." LF's R.J. Lambrose reports that due to the Unabomber's suspiciously "high-powered vocabulary" and his use of words like "anomie," the FBI's sleuths have subpoenaed the subscription lists for the journal Critical Sociology.
On the fiftieth anniversary of Hiroshima, World War II veterans and eighty members of Congress protest a planned Smithsonian exhibit of the airplane that dropped the first atomic bomb. They complain that the exhibit text, which entertains the notion that there were nonmilitary reasons for dropping the bomb, denigrates the American war effort. In response, the Smithsonian scales back the exhibit to just the fuselage and a few neutral explanatory materials. Historians cry foul, calling it a capitulation to political pressure. "It is reminiscent of the McCarthy era," bemoans historian Robert K. Musil.
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