This site is provided by The Scholar's ResourceTM and is not affiliated with Here you'll find a wide range of today's scholarly histories and biographies arranged by publisher. Click on the title or cover image and you can have any of these books sent directly to you by barnesandnoble.com. Next to each publisher's name, you'll find a list of the major topic areas they currently have available through The Scholar's Resource. This is not meant to be a complete listing of their offerings in these areas; please contact the individual publishers for their catalogues. Louisiana State University Press: Southern history and American-European relations. Mountain Press Publishing Company: Western American biography. New York University Press: Yugoslavian history and American cultural studies. Oxford University Press: 19th century American and European history. Pennsylvania State University Press: American cultural history and medieval European studies. Princeton University Press: 20th century American and European history. Regnery: Biography and colonial American history. Smithsonian Institution Press:American history and science studies. University of Georgia Press: Civil War and abolitionism; African-American history. University of Missouri Press: Early/mid 20th century American and European history. University of North Carolina Press: American biographies and ethnic studies. University of Pennsylvania Press: Cultural studies and American history. University Press of Kansas: American presidential histories.
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